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9606  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Sbe on: February 18, 2006, 10:34:34 AM
There is one thing about saying a bad word, i guess reading motives is not a sin? I mean you must have cussed at work by accident ,huh? Maybe i think it was done from the stand point of puffing yourself up. I think it was the stress of the situation that made you cuss huh? Mabey your confession was a little slanted by your theology. Thank God that inspite of your excuses He still forgave you at the cross. So what i see in your post is that you have a tendency to blame the circumstances for your problems, you have not understood motive theology very well, and you place too much emphasis on your confession based apoun not taking the blame. Now that i have read your motives i will confess that my motives have been corrupted in my confession also and that i do not always confess my sin, yet His grace is sufficient for my sin inspite of that. Maby focusing on cursing is not really the part in romans on sin and grace, maby its the attitude we have about sin and grace in that scripture quote.
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9607  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Sbe on: February 18, 2006, 09:58:01 AM
Well, I am afraid you missed my point. First, I am not shocked by the word "damn". It just made me think of the posts about cussing etc.
Please read this carefully. There is a huge difference between being honest, admitting we have faults, sin, etc.
It is a TOTALLY different thing to flaunt language, habits, etc, that CAN easily be controlled and try to use it as an example of freedom in Christ and a person's spiritual maturity.
When people sit an type a post and use foul lanquage, even if they put in the cute ** marks so all the letters aren't there, that is not an honest act of someone who knows they have flaws and sin occurs.
It is a cognitive, considered decision to do something to stir things up.
If a person has an honest problem with losing their temper, and cuss when they do, and are honest about it, and ask for forgiveness and are trying to win that battle with the help of Christ and the Holy Spirit, I applaud that.
When a person sits down and types stuff just to be different, to stir things up, that is another thing altogether. That stuff is NOT about being honest. That is not about presenting to God the good and bad of all that they are. Thats not about being human, and admitting struggles. I have no problem with folks who are human and struggle and are honest about it. My post is was and is about those who are NOT struggling, they are doing something different.
I agree with your post except the confusion over these two vastly different aspects.
I agree but what happens if you present the message of the gospel in a spurious fashion. I mean isnt it more incumbant on the religious communicators to be gracious in these little nit picky areas. You know the Pharisees presented a spurious gospel and were outwardly righteous. My problem with some of you is that when we present the gospel in a Calvinist way we are considered the of the earth. I am not saying you are a pharisee, Jeffery. I am just putting these things of importance in order.
9614  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Why Men Hate Going To Church on: February 17, 2006, 08:25:15 PM
Obviously, on something this big, I would want to share it with her, to convince her that this is indeed what the Bible says. But I also know that if we deeply disagree and I feel it would be disobedient for our family to do otherwise, she would quit her job.

I dont think this is a dogmatic issue amoung reformed folk. There are so many examples of marriages sacrificing for the kingdom. Women who are grooming to be homemakers plan out their lives which include interest outside the home. Granted there is a difference from making the home the central headquarters but in an effort to look beyond just their own interest and the husbands interest they look to the needy and the helpless to minister to. Its not a simple process.
When we invision the "home maker" in the biblical way we invision most  women with many interest.

OK, but is an excuse to miss the sabbath worship also an excuse to work in that field in apparent violation of scriptures such as Titus 2:3-5?
If there is an allowance of works of helps to be considered enough spiritual value to miss the sabbath biblically then if God is soveriegn and puts people in the place where they can most glorify Him (Acts) And we also believe that he can do any thing He pleases. He doesnt always work according to the means. Also sometimes we go in front of Him when He has His own time table. We rest in Him as we are being sanctified.

I'm glad she found it enjoyable and that you have no regrets. I would love to be able to say the same in 20 years ...
 To tell you the truth we have not had a clash about the major discision in our lives. As you know i am a meditator, and so i have learned to put things in Gods hand. She has seen much of the results of faith in which i truely feel like nothing and He is always showing Himself powerful. If there is one thing we both have been amazed at was the way God answers prayers. We just stand back and watch.We sortof are like to helpless sinners begging for bread.  
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9615  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Why Men Hate Going To Church on: February 17, 2006, 05:11:34 PM
Talk about a judgmental statement ... I just want to find out what the Bible teaches, and I get called selfish and told to "suck it up." Almost makes me want to hurl an insult back ... almost. But this is not about personal attacks, it is about searching for the truth.
I appoligize for this statement. I get sarcastic at times. Its a problem i have when i start talking. Sorry.
Really? Did Jesus not ask the disciples to give up their livelihoods "on the spot?" Did they not do it?
Did Jesus not say if you try to keep your life, you'll lose it?
Did not Paul say he would "never eat meat" again - though it was perfectly fine - if it causes my brother to stumble?
Not only is it realistic to ask someone to give up something they enjoy, I am not sure you can be a Christian without doing that. We often must give up a lesser good for a greater good.

And as far as personal convictions, I do not believe it is safe to go against your own. Paul makes it clear that we must not sear our consciences - though we can educate them, we must not go against the convictions we have. Obviously, there is a difference between me going against my own convictions and me telling you not to go against my convictions - but again, that's not what I'm doing. What you choose to do is between the Lord and you. I just want to understand the text properly and in context.

I agree but the context that we are discussing is what you want your wife to do. This is a personal matter, an individual conviction. Jesus is talking about taking the original self will and replacing it with His will. Only Jesus can do that. I am married to a women who volunteers most of her time to helping other people with counsel on homeschooling matters. She has a 4 yr degree in nursing. She is doing something that gives her real pleasure. I am pleased that she is pleased. I did not get married to have a contest in self denial. I do not demand any self denial from her. She must give it willingly. When i give her freedom then she responds with good will. Jesus takes care of self denial. Giving of her time is a joy. I cannot change her will. The principle is that what she wills is what she desires. I can discuss what my desires are but its her choice.
As far as being a doctor, where would that be in scripture? And isn't every job a ministry?
The confession states that medical feilds are considered an excuse to miss the sabbath worship because they are involving the lives of people in society. They get this from the scripture. I think it is the good samaritian.  There are some other verses but i cant remember them off hand.

What about all the missionaries, preachers, leaders, in the past who have been seperated because of either their philanthropy or there religious service? Jim Elliot, John Wesley, Billy Graham.
Not sure exactly what you mean. Do you mean they were not physically present with their wives all the time? Sure, that may be true, but what does that mean?

My point is that these men sacrificed alot of time away from  their families for the kingdom. I personally have a diffucult time squaring this with scripture but this was an unselfish act which helped alot of people in society.

I am. It's only a question of wanting more to be where God wants us to be. If it's here - great! Let's throw a party!
There is this old saying from the word of faith movement. God told me to tell you. Well thats funny because God did not tell me the same thing. Maybe i am judging here but the way you talk about this is like your wife has little say in the matter. Yet you have backed off a bit in your last response. My wife quit her nursing job when we had our first child. It created alot of hard ships but she really didnt want to work in a hospital. I was very legalistic back then also. Oh well God is soveriegn and He planned these things out. I think its fine to discuss these things. We homeschooled our child all the way through and now we have no regrets as to his being responsible. That turned out to be a very wise discision because she was gifted in teaching and she enjoyed it more than the hospital.
Thanks for being honest.
9618  Forums / Theology Forum / Finding A Theological Calvinistic Church on: February 17, 2006, 04:59:33 AM
\"Churches have summers, like our gardens, and then all things are full; but theh come their winters, and alas what emptyings are seen! Have we not all seen the flood when the tide has come up far upon the beach, and have we not all marked the ebb when every wave has seemed to fall short of that which preceeded it?(speaking of calvinism-semiplagenism-plagenism) Such ebb and floods there are in the history of the kingdom of Christ.One day The kingdom of God suffereth violence and every man presses into it at another time men seem to be ashamed of the christian faith, and they wander off into a thousand delusions, and the church is minished and brought low by heresy, by worldliness, by lukewarmness, and by all sorts of evils. \"C.H.S. Feb.19 1882 Sermon 28
\"Long ago I ceased to count heads. Truth is usually in the minority in this evil world.I have faith in the Lord Jesus for myself, a faith burned into me as with a hot iron. I thank God what I believe I shall believe, even if I believe it alone.\" (Speaking of the down grade controversy) C.H.S.
\"It is a great grief to me that hitherto many of our most honoured friends in the Baptist Union have, with strong determination, closed their eyes to serious divergencies from truth,i doubt that their motive has been in a measure laudable, for they desired to preserve peace,and hoped that errors, which they were forced to see, would be removed as their friends advanced in years and knowlege. But at last even these will, I trust, discover that the new views are not the old truth in a better dressbut deadly errors with which we can have no fellowship, I regard full-grown modern thought as a totally new cult, having no mor relation to Christianity than the mist of the evening to the everlastiing hills.\" (Defending Calvinism)C.H.S. Nov.23,1887 PIKE ,6
9621  Forums / Theology Forum / Spiritual Depression on: February 16, 2006, 07:33:11 PM
What we see with our eyes has a great effect apoun what we struggle with in fear. Here is a situation and it is mounting with more diffuculty as time goes on. The situation has great effect apoun our trust in God as it relates to His abilities, and it causes us much anxiety. There are things that we do to increase this anxiety. We fix our gaze apoun the problem in that anxious state and then we begin to increase its power over us.
Being in an anxious state is what we must overcome. First of all it our position is that  in anxietywe stand inbetween the insermountable problem and the absolute trustworthiness of God. We are captivated in focusing and talking about these insurmountable problems. The reason we focus on the diffuculty is because our problem with sin and then there is the problem with how we view ourselves in light of Gods absolute trustworthiness.
Behind us is the reminder of Gods deliveries, that is all the past instances where we have been delivered by God. Now this is the art of motivation in struggling with fear and anxiety. Here there are these reminders. What we have as believers is the absolute trust of God and we have the absolute faithfulness of God. He is a God who knows the details of these anxieous situations. The scripture declares that we have a refuge.
Yet here we are in the situation enamored with the trouble that is staring us in the eye. We are sorta under its spell. There are declarations in scripture and then there is an intimate knowlege of these promises that must be ingested. This process of ingesting is a learned process.It is a two headed process. One is its illumination into the mind, and the sweetness of its discovery. Two is its illuminated application in the disposition we are in at the present existence in our world. It is applied by illumination.
Existing in a disposition of anxiety has forces that are beyond our ability to overcome in that illumination process of ingesting the word. This is the reality so that  we are motivated to apply the illumination in a disposition of pain. Why would it be a trial if the insormountable diffuculties were visible to us without the inward struggle. If it did not effect us inside it would not be a trial.
The anxious spells strength drives us away from that sweetness of the illumination to focus only on the source of the illumination. Its as if we are inamored with the words ability to enliven us. Then we are under the spell of the trial and that inamored illuminated spell is broken and we in our disperation are driven from the concept of the illuminations power over us to focus on the word\" I am the God of refuge.\"
In the desperation of the spell we desperately cast ourselves apoun the sure word and not the ability of the word to illuminate us. There is this transferance of anxious spell in that process of meditation on these abilities in God. Yet there is a war of holding on to that spell of anxiety. Its as if it is being pried from us and yet going through the process of hoping in His word creates its own illumination.
That new illumination is not understood in our most desperate times. Its only after we have overcome that we understand its ability to go beyond the surface of our former trust and in that pain- word process it becomes sweeter than pre- pain illumination.
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9622  Forums / Main Forum / What Kind Of Fear on: February 16, 2006, 06:45:25 PM
I like all the comments here. I have always heard about the reverence, fear, and hate. I was wondering youall know that we are creatures that struggle with fear about other things or people. Especially when we are going through trials and then there are these major crossroads in life. I think alot of us want to act tough and coverover whats really going on inside of us. How do you describe the process of gaining control over what is going on inside as it relates to fear and motivate someone whos is struggling in this area?  
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9623  Forums / Theology Forum / Back To The Only Important Thing... on: February 16, 2006, 12:52:17 PM
While we are in 11 Cor.5 here is some more on Christ. 12.  We are not again commending ourselves to you but are giving you an occasion to be proud of us, so that you will have an answer for those who take pride in appearance and not in heart.
13.  For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; if we are of sound mind, it is for you.
14.  For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died;
15.  and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.
16.  Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer.
17.  Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
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9624  Members Only / Purgatory / So Very Tiresome on: February 15, 2006, 09:45:41 PM
I feel for Carolina. I never thought guilt was a good motivator. When Carolina gets loved by God he will become what God wants him to be. God has His time table. Isnt it really about him not finding a woman that would put up with his problems. After all when the attraction is worn off what stands out is the commitment. There is no guilt in that commitment if both are warm calvinist.
What happens if God decides to bring a person into your life that is like Hosea's wife. Or what about Eve who gave the apple to adam. You know that was the ultimate sin in the universe. It was worse than adultery. Adam did not have a choice in Eve. She led him rite to depravity.
Does any one have a choice as to what family they are raised in? Does any one have a choice as to what they become as a result of the screwed up child hood. Is having a relationship with the opposite sex just about coming to grips with these problems?
Isnt the marriage relationship suppose to be two people growing in desire for God more than for each other? Are not we suppose to act as tho we were not married because the time is short? Where is the balance in all of this. Has any one read J Edwards wifes bio. She wanted to delight in God so much that her entire being was wrapped up in that delight. That was her ultimate goal. She was really transported to the heavens so much. It was not to please Johanathan. Now take that as an encouragement and not a guilt trip
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9625  Forums / Theology Forum / Finding A Theological Calvinistic Church on: February 15, 2006, 08:17:07 PM
Mystery I can deal with, Sam.  There are a lot of things that are mysterious to me... Wink  (When you are entering your post in the box, look for the "Click to add emotiocons to your post" sign above the box...)

But I don't know why it's important to figure out exactly "who" God chose...  Or why it matters if we've figured Him out correctly...  To me, it's all a guess anyway, if it's a mystery...  Maybe fun to wonder about, but beyond me...  (much like creation).

I have had several "close encounters" with God in my life...  When I was 6, as a child I wanted Jesus in my life...  When I was 13, I was scared into believing I didn't have Him, so I gave my life to Him again.

There was an special, unspeakable joy and peace in both of these situations (as well as some other "special times" with the Lord).

(I hate to break this off... but I've got to run... will continue tomorrow.)

linda marie
Can you explain that experience Linda?
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9626  Forums / Theology Forum / Back To The Only Important Thing... on: February 15, 2006, 05:11:18 PM
Thanks Charles, I agree with you.
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9627  Forums / Theology Forum / Back To The Only Important Thing... on: February 15, 2006, 03:51:52 PM
Luke 6  Jesus is more important than the Sabbath.
1.  Now it happened that He was passing through some grainfields on a Sabbath; and His disciples were picking the heads of grain, rubbing them in their hands, and eating the grain.
2.  But some of the Pharisees said, \"Why do you do what is not lawful on the Sabbath?\"
5.  And He was saying to them, \"The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.\"
6.  On another Sabbath He entered the synagogue and was teaching; and there was a man there whose right hand was withered.
7.  The scribes and the Pharisees were watching Him closely to see if He healed on the Sabbath, so that they might find reason to accuse Him.
9.  And Jesus said to them, \"I ask you, is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath, to save a life or to destroy it?\"
  Luke 13
10.  And He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath.
14.  But the synagogue official, indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, began saying to the crowd in response, \"There are six days in which work should be done; so come during them and get healed, and not on the Sabbath day.\"
15.  But the Lord answered him and said, \"You hypocrites, does not each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the stall and lead him away to water him?
16.  \"And this woman, a daughter of Abraham as she is, whom Satan has bound for eighteen long years, should she not have been released from this bond on the Sabbath day?\"

Luke 18 Jesus is more important than even ourselves.
4.  \"For a while he was unwilling; but afterward he said to himself, `Even though I do not fear God nor respect man,
11.  \"The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: `God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.
14.  \"I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.\"

Luke 24All of scripture points to Jesus.
 15.  While they were talking and discussing, Jesus Himself approached and began traveling with them.
27.  Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.
36.  While they were telling these things, He Himself stood in their midst and *said to them, \"Peace be to you.\"

Luke 14 Jesus is more important that family and relatives.
 26.  \"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.

Luke 16 Jesus is more important than money.
 14.  Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, were listening to all these things and were scoffing at Him.
Luke 12
 33.  \"Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys.
John 2
 14.  And He found in the temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers seated at their tables.
15.  And He made a scourge of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables;
16.  and to those who were selling the doves He said, \"Take these things away; stop making My Father's house a place of business.\"

Luke 12 Jesus is more important than possessions or things.
 15.  Then He said to them, \"Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.\"
33.  \"Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near nor moth destroys.
44.  \"Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions.

Luke 9 Understanding who Christ is is more important than doing any religious exercise.
 18.  And it happened that while He was praying alone, the disciples were with Him, and He questioned them, saying, \"Who do the people say that I am?\"
29.  And while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming.
Luke 21
 8.  And He said, \"See to it that you are not misled; for many will come in My name, saying, `I am He,' and, `The time is near.' Do not go after them.
Luke 5
 24.  \"But, so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,\"--He said to the paralytic--\"I say to you, get up, and pick up your stretcher and go home.\"
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9628  Forums / Theology Forum / Spiritual Depression on: February 15, 2006, 04:25:10 AM
Fear drives a person into himself. It is the essence of self obsorbtion. It is a result of  sin. Our hearts are sinful and so we have this inner problem that comes to the surface in our actions and thoughts. In reality it is not the thoughts that war against fear but it is faith that is a fear destroyer.
If we have an over abundance of fear we are in a darkened experience. We are beginning to battle most in the mind. The fear rages from the inside then the mind has a feirce battle going on. It is a battle for faith. Fear has a power of control. Living by faith is living on the light of the truth of the word. That state of darkness in the mind through fear battles against the light of the word.
There is a feirce battle that if fought with prayer there will be a deepening of faith by this resistence. Its not necessarily the victory over fear that is reality but the resistance to the fear that gains ground. In order for us to understand the protection we have by faith we must have the light resist these inward forces.If we are drivin into ourselves by fear then we must live in that battle so that we gain a greater understanding of our protection through applying the word to our minds in that struggle. When we do this we will grow in faith.
Our hearts will be enlarged, our minds will be convinced through its opposition to trust in the unlimited resources of the light so that it is driven beyond trusting in self. This is an enlarging of the heart to recieve a greater abundance of Gods love.
We are talking about a sense in the mind not just the thoughts translating to resist fear. There is a sense of the protection from fear that is mystical in the word being breathed into the mind and airoating into the soul. There is an end in this struggle for dominance. There is a window into absolute peace and freedom, which when in this battle translates into hope for existence in a mystical way in the experience of that peace in God. He ends all fears, in Him. Hope produces force to overcome in this struggle.
Through meditation the mind grasp by faith Gods infinite care by the words promise so that there is a mystical infusion of that care for greater resistance to fear
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9629  Forums / Main Forum / What Kind Of Fear on: February 15, 2006, 03:20:30 AM

The love in this verse is Gods love and our love to each other.
1. You must be loved by God in order for you to love other people.
2. Love and fear of eternal punishment do not mix.
3.This problem with fear is a self inflicted delima. We must grow in our knowlege of God so that we will be able to understand ourselves better.
4.When you understand Gods love by God loving you through people then you will love other people.
5.When you are loved from the inside it will drive out fear from the inside. What makes the problems go away in the inmost being is love. The deeper Gods love goes into us the less fear will be there.
6. When we were saved we are loved. We have all the love we need but it also is necessary to grow in the knowlege of the love of God. If we know that God loves us, then we will have not problems with fear of eternal punishment. If we fear that then we will attribute to God the reason for our fear of punishment. We will make God out to be the reason for our fear.
7.Love is more than just a choice, it is an act with the entire person. Some people have been saved with such an awareness of Gods love that they are farther along than the normal means of growing in love.
9648  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Why Men Hate Going To Church on: February 11, 2006, 05:44:46 AM
5. (p.Cool "Too often it's not what the leadership imposes but what the laity demands that causes the church to repel men.

OK, have at it ... on point, or lost in space?

The problem is when the church functions properly it is in accordance with the biblical mandates. The church society is concerned with doctrine and dissenting members. There is a tension here. The first responsibility in men who are members is to the truth no matter what.  That requires dissenting, because there cannot be proper relationships when there are compromises to the truth in the essentials.
Then the requirements are opposite the world system. Men go to give themselves to submit to Christ and minister to others their gifts. It starts with the leadership. If the leadership is not willing to open their lives ,their all to the members then the level of that example is what other men will be in the church. When  the church functions properly the members forget themselves and their well being for the other members. The elders teach, the deacons take care of the needs the members use their gifts to help other members persever. If the leadership is silent in their function then the men will not see the importance of this spiritual headship, of public prayer ,public teaching, private study, and prayer.
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9649  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Why Men Hate Going To Church on: February 11, 2006, 05:07:11 AM
I am not trying to brag here just to make a point of all of this. I was on a team that went undefeated in my highschool football team. I was the quarterback. We were really good because we had tough violent players. We pushed the other teams all over the feild. We also pushed the rules alot. The joy was not worring about which rules we kept, the joy was winning. duh! The fun was winning with a bunch of people who want to kick the crap out of the other them. We all wanted to do this together. We accomplished something that has yet to be duplicated in our school history.
I have been on teams where the rules were really important. These were some of my most miserable memories. We had the big L on our foreheads
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9650  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Why Men Hate Going To Church on: February 11, 2006, 04:52:55 AM
I ment to say the phariseeic kids are the ones who cannot control their temper over the long haul. We used to call them sissy boys.
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9651  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Why Men Hate Going To Church on: February 11, 2006, 04:49:24 AM
Competion is good, i myself have competed in sports throughout my life. Contact sports is controled violence. I think sports teaches self control. It takes you to your limit in physical contact and you must control yourself to retaliate. There are some things in that violence that preclude a proper response to your opponent pushing the limits. If you do not respond then he will continue to pound on you.
In hockey there is this fight sequence. This is controled violence also. If someone has a problem with self control he will not be playing the violent sport very long.
Being in sports i have see the christian attitude that is phariseeic. These kids do not last very long in real competition. They are more preoccupied with the rules than with the team spirit. In sports we learn to have relationships with teamates of whom we give our all for and of whom we depend apoun to get the job done. If they are protecting us by demanding respect from the other team by pushing a little harder than the rest of us we like them. Its about relationships not rules. They are the ones ususally that cannot control their temper over the long haul. There must be an attitude where we accept a certian level of pain, and we are not feeling guilty about dishing out some of that pain also.[/
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9652  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Why Men Hate Going To Church on: February 11, 2006, 04:27:32 AM
I have seldom met women who want to have an intellectual discussion on theology. Most women are not programmed this way. They think men are lecturing them. Granted there are a few out there tho.
Garbage...  most "theologians" use that stuff to beat others over the head....  get into fights about who is right -- rather than taking the approach that "some say this & some say that"....

It's conflict most women don't like -- not "theology"...

Linda when did i ever fight with you?  As i recall i have not spoken harshly to a women on this forum. And the one that i did speak harshly to was someone of whom i did not know was a women.
I have tried to state what i believe clearly, some times i have disagreements with people.
As i recall you and Jeffrey clashed many times on this forum. If we disagree with you on womens roles in church leadership you get real testy. I do not recall making a harsh statement at you. If i have i apoligize.
I do not feel hurt by any of the disagreements that i have had on this forum site.
I dont recall you discussing with me some doctrines, i like reading your encouragement to others tho. I think you encouraged me this week as i recall.

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