Saturday, November 14, 2015

8881  Forums / Theology Forum / What's Contemplative Spirituality? on: June 28, 2006, 09:46:57 PM
The New Monks critique the current state of Christianity by arguing that since God is holy and is a \"wholly other,\" He cannot be defined by systems of doctrine. They maintain that western rationalism has crushed the knowledge of God and that we must return to a more intuitively received knowledge. We must move beyond the intellect, beyond doctrine, and beyond words to a deeper union with God. Their writings contain rather complex discussions on the nature of being and share common themes of universality, mystical union with God through contemplation (wordless \"prayer\"), social justice, and non-violence.

   The New Monks maintain that all religions should immerse themselves in the myths of their tradition because there is power in the \"collective unconscious\"13 of the tradition to shape the experience of its followers. So, for the New Monk, the use of biblical language has great power within the Christian tradition. For example, the call to salvation14 is actually a call to a transformation of consciousness to be psychologically awakened to the unity and oneness of all creation. For the New Monks all religions at their deepest mystical level use myth and symbol to say the same thing. Wow! Why dont we just forget about thinking and just make up a god of our own!
8917  Forums / Main Forum / Cheap Grace? on: June 23, 2006, 10:32:57 PM
I have been thinking about the cause and effect paradigm in all logical thinking. As the cause is so is the effect. The effect has the essence of the cause in it. So the closer we get to the effect the stronger will be the cause. The greater distance from the cause the weaker the the effect.

Now Here in this verse in Pauls letters about working out your own salvation because it is God who works in you is more of this cause and effect relationship than a 50-50 relationship. It is not Gods done his part and now its your job to finish it. In our day and age we here this proposal constantly. There is a misunderstanding of this cause and effect relationship that this verse is puts forth here.

In our modern day thinking when we say that there is this 50-50 relationship here in this verse we are saying that there is an abiding truth outside of the realm of theology where man is represented here as doing something to acheive the ends that God wants him to accomplish. This doing something is represented as strickly mans action and Gods reaction. Or Gods commands and mans obedience.  In other words what we have in the 50-50 is man is all action and God is all command. This verse is not teaching this philosophy. This verse does not define man this way.

Obviously the closer you get to the cause the more the cause will define who you are, and the farther away you get from the cause the more you will define who you are. This is what the verse is depicting here in God working in you. In a 50-50 relationship what is equal is your will and Gods will working in unison. When we define us having a self determined will we are saying that we have just as much rite for us to define who we are as people as God does.What we are saying is that we can have a philosophy of 50 -50 about ourselves that is equal to the theology taught here in this cause and effect relationship.

The whole universe is a cause and effect universe because God created the universe and in that creation is the explaination of the cause. God defines who He is by the creation. And yet there are also characteristics within the physical aspects of creation that are in the cause and effect paradigm in the universe. In how the universe functions is included in the cause and effect paradigm. All the moral discisions in the universe are a part of the cause and effect paradigm in all of those things that run the physical parts of the universe, including mans discisions. To say that there is no cause and effect the moment time started in all of the moments of time both physical and non physical is to just create an irrational paradigm of existence.

A self determined will has no cause since it is neutral not desiring good or evil. To will is to desire one thing over another, to be undetermined about the choice of two equal objects presupposes no cause in the supposed self determined will. In this 50 -50 view of this verse there really is no cause in the choice and so there really is no understanding of the effect or real experience in effects but rather a rationalization , and an illogical determination of who God is and our relationship to Him.

The logical cause and effect is that God cause all things to work together for good for those who love Him. In our working he is the cause of our working and He is in the effect of our working. The closer we get to the cause the more we are going to work in line with His design and the farther we get from the cause the less we will be in line with His will. We must see that there is a cause in the universe and there is a cause in our choices. We desire one thing over another because one desire is stronger than the other and the reason is because there is a cause for our choice to desire one thing over another. Our new life in us is the cause. The more we experience God presence in His word the more we will choose by cause the good and work out our salvation.
8924  Forums / Main Forum / Cheap Grace? on: June 21, 2006, 10:03:41 PM
As coincidence would have it, I'm listening to Kirk Cameron preach on this very thing.

It's a little long, but is well worth it for those of you who don't believe Acts 17:30-31, which, at the moment, appears to be all of you.
I agree that we need to have repentance as a prerequsite. Now what we need to do is to explain the message to a person and it entails a different approach to each individual and with a different emphasis of these truths in relation to the persons dispostion and whether they are acknowleging they are sinners. I dont believe the focus is on the words we say but on the kind of relationship and the praying we do for those who are unsaved in our world. The clincal approach as a system for conviction of sin is a wrong focus. God does the saving inspite of how cute our message is.

We are to be in love with God so much that when the message is given there is a spiritual renewal effect in the air. We are to follow the Holy Spirit in our communication with the unsaved and give them what they need as well as calling for a change in the life. There is a history of this kinda lawyer type message, that is explaining the gospel in a sorta dry, doctrinal focus on the way we present the message so that we can confront a person with their sin and get an effect from them.
We are to be in front of those who are not. We are to have such a heated passion for the things of God that there is a supernatural effect in who we are around others. This can only be accomplished in much meditation and prayer.
8932  Forums / Theology Forum / Is Theology Your God? on: June 19, 2006, 04:47:00 PM
See our problem is us. Its the way we think, the bent we have to believe in our corruption and that disposition of insane loves that causes us to loose heart and succomb to this numbness. We vasilate between trusting in our ability to accomplish our own righteousness, and the utter feeling of helplessness in having a deep longing for Gods presence because we embrace idolic tendencies, fearful worries, self confident desires, and a deceptive self awareness that infects all of our relationships. We are self protective, overly self conscious, and selfishly independent. In this state we are very receptive to idols. We fear the very thing we worship, we long for the very thing that causes us to be self decieved, we trust in the very person who is finite, and we live in this state of self awareness insecurity thinking that this is a normal generated social identification that makes a necessary function of acceptance by others.

 The truth is we are finite beings whose existence is given to us by God who always existed. We live and move and have our being in God. The pre begining of us was minded by God before before we existed. We are dependent on God outside of time for our existence in time. And yet all things have their origin from God and are moved by God , by having their end purpose already determined in eternity. What we experience in time is already determined before time at the moment we experience it and so it is ordered by God who does everything perfect. There really is no self determined existence in the creature. We are swollowed up in the beauty of all of Gods purposes and we as believers are able to experience the pleasure of that glory of God. We make things so diffulcult by thinging so irrationally.
8949  Forums / Main Forum / The Crisis Of A Christless Christianity on: June 11, 2006, 01:05:12 PM
Philosophy is dangerous to the way we think if we are not putting it up in the lense of the word of God. Philosophy in itself is not evil, but the problem is when we are exposed to it we can be decieved very easily. All of us are natural doubters of the absolute supernatural abilities in God in the providence sense. Because of sin we naturally want to worship a god of our own making. Calvin says we are little god makers. We fashion a god from our own experience and knowlege.

In this society the amount of time we spend in meditation on the word of God and prayer does not equal the time we are exposed to American philosophy. Basically it is if it works then it is the truth. We naturally do not like to be exposed to absolute truth that challenges our way of thinking. We would rather find out what works and then it will fashion our way of thinking.

We also do not like to wait on answers for our problems. Our motto is God has done His part now He is waiting for you to do yours. In other words find out what works and do it in a practical way. In other words dont worry about thinking or examining the whole scope of absolute truth but get a simple explanation so that you can begin implementing it into your daily routine. Get a plan that tells you what to do and then do it.

The bible offers an exclusive pattern for finding truth as well as defining what truth is. The bible is the revelation of God and stands apart from any other written book. The defense of the bible is its ability to work where ever it is read and taught. The bible is not an empty waste of time from being exposed to it nor does the activtivity of its Spirit filled words need to wait on us to do something for it to be active in our lives. It meets every need at every second of our life on this earth. It contains all we need for life and godliness.

The bible is a pathway to a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you want Christ to speak directly to you then it must be through the words of scripture. Philosophy offers a system of pragmitism, the bible shows a person who he is, explaining in detail what he needs and what he is given in Christ and then works to renew all of these promises and heavenly glories in that person. It is an active word.
There is also a spirit of philosophy. The spirit of philosophy tends to be dry, and it is airated in a way that gives a person a temparory hope but does not satisfy the deepest longings of the soul. It focuses on behaviour with guilt as its over all drive. It almost never grabs a persons spiritual desires but only influences a persons conscience helping a person feel good by relieving a trouble conscience but hardly ever getting to the desires of a persons inmost being. The spirit of philosophy is the driving force for all systems of man. It makes people extremely active in their minds by a superficial set of standards that are well defined and can be kept. That spirit brings about self righteousness. It is a spirit that desires self flagilation, self grandisement, and self discovery. It is a spirit that locks a person into its mold by offering a premise and then describing the solution. In this spirit is this circular way of thinking. This spirit is a heavey weight of self deception because the person hardly ever experiences desire driven theological transformation by direct application of the Holy Spirit on the heart through renewal. The Holy Spirit is spiritual desire driven.
8950  Forums / Main Forum / The Crisis Of A Christless Christianity on: June 11, 2006, 12:47:13 PM
Philosophy is dangerous to the way we think if we are not putting it up in the lense of the word of God. Philosophy in itself is not evil, but the problem is when we are exposed to it we can be decieved very easily. All of us are natural doubters of the absolute supernatural abilities in God in the providence sense. Because of sin we naturally want to worship a god of our own making. Calvin says we are little god makers. We fashion a god from our own experience and knowlege.

In this society the amount of time we spend in meditation on the word of God and prayer does not equal the time we are exposed to American philosophy. Basically it is if it works then it is the truth. We naturally do not like to be exposed to absolute truth that challenges our way of thinking. We would rather find out what works and then it will fashion our way of thinking.

We also do not like to wait on answers for our problems. Our motto is God has done His part now He is waiting for you to do yours. In other words find out what works and do it in a practical way. In other words dont worry about thinking or examining the whole scope of absolute truth but get a simple explanation so that you can begin implementing it into your daily routine. Get a plan that tells you what to do and then do it.

The bible offers an exclusive pattern for finding truth as well as defining what truth is. The bible is the revelation of God and stands apart from any other written book. The defense of the bible is its ability to work where ever it is read and taught. The bible is not an empty waste of time from being exposed to it nor does the activtivity of its Spirit filled words need to wait on us to do something for it to be active in our lives. It meets every need at every second of our life on this earth. It contains all we need for life and godliness.

The bible is a pathway to a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you want Christ to speak directly to you then it must be through the words of scripture. Philosophy offers a system of pragmitism, the bible shows a person who he is, explaining in detail what he needs and what he is given in Christ and then works to renew all of these promises and heavenly glories in that person. It is an active word.
8959  Forums / Main Forum / Interpersonal Communications on: June 10, 2006, 06:28:13 AM
MBG I thought you brought up some very good points!  And Tom I thought you addressed them very well too.  I think you really bring the gospel of Jesus into the art of interpersonal communications--Thank you.

I'd like to offer something to think about.  I think my first real grasp of this was when my husband and kids and I did a Bible study in Genesis.  My husband has a very keen ability to look at the Lord in a very practical manner--easy to understand.

He was talking to our kids about how God had angels to worship Him, so why did he create us anyway?  For fellowship.  He created us in His image that He gave freewill to choose to fellowship with Him or to not.  I won't go into the whole discussion here, but you get the idea.

So God is a God of communication!  Fellowshipping is communicating.  God created all the animals, but yet He also said in Gen 2:18 The Lord God said "It's not good for man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him."  So there again, God made someone for Adam to communicate with on his own level.  Eve walked in the flesh of the body just like Adam did, so they could relate to one another through similar eyes. (well okay, sometimes very far apart...LOL)

God also walked and talked in the cool of the day with Adam and Eve.  What an awesome picture that draws, the COOL of the day, that could be morning or evening.  To me, dusk and dawn are two of the most beautiful times of day.

I get the picture that it was dusk because Adam and Eve had already had their day of temptation and eating the apple, then it says -
Genesis 3:8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

I just think that draws such an awe inspiring picture of walking and talking and fellowshipping with the Lord God.  How awesome that must have been and I wonder if he was in a physical form since they HEARD him "walking"?  I guess that is something we will know once we get to heaven.  Just that verse alone though, communicates a lot to me about the fellowship God had with Adam and Eve and what He wants with us.  I like to draw mental pictures and I can just see the beautiful garden and in the cool of the day.  When you are done with your work (I picture Adam tending to the garden and animals) and God says--"so how was your day"  AWESOME!

The Bible also says that His creation speaks loudly of Him, so there again He is communicating to us through that means.   And boy is it a beautiful, complicated, yet simple and changing means.  Seasons, the sun, the moon, the stars.  The complexity of the working body, trees, flowers, bees and animals and regeneration of life.  I could go on and on!  The mountains, the ocean, a beautiful little baby!  So many many things.  It all speaks of HIM!

And God being that Creator, I mean we all know that, but I hadn't quite looked at it as that is why we all like to create things too.  And we do speak through our creations of art, music and so on.  When God created something He said it was good or in some places VERY GOOD.  So being made in His image we do love the things we make and create and communicate through--we too like to say that is good or very good.

So I really do see communication as a very integral part of the Christian walk.

So keep going Tom!  And I'm most anxious to learn about listening skills too.  You might have posted that already I haven't had time to read yet tonight.
Good Points G2H. There are a few points i want to make about the creation of man in the garden. First , it is thought after a study of the account of creation that satan or lucifer who was created as the most beatiful angel and the highest ranking angel , was created at the time of the creation of the earth.

His domain was in the garden of Eden in that creation and after God had created everything including man he pronounced everything good. In between God pronouncing everthing that He had made good and his fall from heaven and his appearance in the garden as a serpent we short in time lapse.

Gods ultimate purpose in creating all things is to bring glory to Himself. When he put man in the garden God had a purpose in the garden for man. He gave man a test. Man was under tension because man had to keep the law perfectly in order for man to earn eternal life. This was the covenant of works and God had  a purpose in the garden that was not going to be thawrted, that is all Gods purposes in creation are to bring glory to Himself. God has an ultimate purpose as well as His purpose in the garden. His ultimate purpose is that He is the end of all things what He makes and what he accomplishes in the creation of all things is only good.

So God designed it so that man would fall to bring glory to Himself in the sending of His Son so that all the comunicated qualities after the garden would be better than the in the garden , being fulfilled in Christ. Man actually had a short test in the garden as well as Lucifer. Man failed to earn righteousness and when He sinned he failed the test. The relationship of fellowship with God in the garden had a tension in it.

Actually we have a greater capacity to enjoy fellowship with God than Adam did. The Father sent the Son into the world to fulfill all righteousness and the Son obeyed the law completely both passively and actively. Christ did what adam failed to do. He lived a perfect life on this earth , died for sin , and now is in heaven as our High Priest interceeding for us. When we are saved we get His righteousness imputed to us, and our sin was  imputed to Him on the cross. We are able to go to the Father any time and with great confidence. Because we have the righteousness of Christ we are accepted by grace, it is free access. Adam had to earn his righteousness. Oh what a mystery of love. God actually gets more glory in our situation in this fallen world by displaying a greater love, a greater power, a greater Man than the first man Adam
8962  Forums / Main Forum / Interpersonal Communications on: June 09, 2006, 08:36:10 PM
Thanks Jim

MBG said
There is also a spiritual element here that has been ignored because marriage partners are more interested in embracing a philosophy of marriage rather than having the scripture transform their minds and then dealing with the deeper issues of the heart. That is dealing with mortification of sin, focusing on Christ and His righteousness as the remedy for having personal needs met in our relationship with our Father.

Agreed.  If both parties in a marriage are truly looking to God for direction and guidance, IMO the marriage has a much better chance of being successful.

then he said

If the answers were as simple as saying the rite things to each other in communication then we could become our own gods ie the tower of babel communication ignoring our Fathers love as the real source of oneness.

Hard to argue there.  I am not saying that communication is saying the right things.  Nothing can replace a couples true committment to God and to one another in a marriage.  But communication is so much more just saying the right things.

Every night I pray that I wil be the husband that God would have me to be.  I sincerely believe that He wants me to be able to communicate love and respect to my wife along with the idea that I do not take her for granted.  He has helped me be able to empathize with her in ways that I had not thought of before.

This is important because I believe that Jesus can empathize with us more perfectly than anyone else.  He knows our struggles because He has walked in our shoes. So in following Him maybe I will get a portion of what He knows about empathy and caring. Both important concepts in interpersonal relationships.
Thanks Onetake for the good response. Actually in exploring this spiritual aspect in communication we must spend time thinking about all of these communicated properties that come from seeing the bigness of God and actually transfuring that awe struck illumination into our hearts so that our desires for His glory are deepened in us.

Communicating is not just an art form, but it comes from an understanding of who we are  so that when we speak we speak with a certianty and a passion for the other persons edification and not just a coming to an agreement as if the words we trade are acknowleged. This process is a complex and mysterious experience because it involves a comunication with the Spirit so that in His response to our meditation He reveals to us our deep needs for close personal relationships.

Here is where the Holy Spirit works with our desires, whether they are gloomy , cold, happy or joyful. We know the Holy Spirit is communicating to us when we are inflamed with holy desires from meditation on Gods glory. He gets us to desire the rite things at the rite time in the rite situation in personal relationships so that His presence releases us to open up with such a feedom that there is a sweetness in that communication in our relationships with one another.

 But before we can have this extraordinary freedom we must go through some inward struggles, inward wrestling, and some profound revelations as to who we are and what we need and what we desire most. If our desires are not mature desires, then conflict will be brought out of us by the word and the Spirit so that in conflict we experience a stretching of these extreme desires of helplessness and trust into resting. This conflict actually is the caboose that pulls us to experience this supernatural freedom.

This spiritual wrestling actually mirrors our relationships with one another so the more we know ourselves the more we will be at peace and the more freedom we will experience and the more joyful desires we will experience and the more others will be drawn into this freedom in communication as we express our desires to one another. In this kind of communication there is a liveliness, an atmosphere of gittiness as if it were a supernatural joy experienced in a level of profound sharing. Oh pray that God will begin to reveal Himself to those around us and to us so that in that expentant pray we pave the way for areas where we can generate freedom and a new found insight into those who are struggling with who they are.
8965  Forums / Main Forum / Interpersonal Communications on: June 08, 2006, 07:17:25 PM
Onetake there are more ways to write than just learning modern day modes of communication. One of the problems i have with all of this focus on communication skills is that there is a temptation to eliminate any thing that is meta physical, or spiritual. I am more attracked to free writing because there is not as much judgement on a persons thinking in going against the grain of societal biases.

Just focusing on interpersonal communication as a human focus is rather boring to me. Granted reading alot of youalls interpersonal communications is interesting but after a while it is the same old stuff, patting people on the back, encouraging people who are down, lecturing people on morals etc, talking about church work or service, talkiing about family etc. Its all good but there is so much more to life than just the human personality and its expressions, the 5 senses etc.
I see the world in a much broader world view than just getting along with people. There is so much of the spiritual , inanamate to explore.
8968  Forums / Main Forum / Interpersonal Communications on: June 08, 2006, 12:44:28 PM
Perception or understanding has a lot to do with the desire in a person.  We have a desire to sin from birth, and it is natural to our understanding. Having a desire to sin brings us to choose sin because in our understanding of the object or perception of a system of beliefs we are informed in our understanding based on that bias. Sin is really the cheif reason that our perception of anything is drawn from the irrational. And just because we rationally know that it is wrong to perceive something in a moral sense we still choose to do wrong inspite of our rational abilities. So sin does have a greater effect on our perception than our thinking abilities.

Yet our past experience plays an important part in how we understand these life challenges. Because we are people who have passions, and we are physical beings who have senses we collect memories that are felt deeply that have an effect on our understanding or perception. We develope habits based apoun our past experiences. All of these expereinces either give us pleasure or pain and so we avoid the pain and naturally are attracted to the pleasure even tho the pleasure is wrong. And that gets back to our real bad habit which is sin. We naturally in our past experience love the pleasure of sin even tho we rationally know it is wrong and so we develope habits based apoun our love with the pleasure of sin. Sin really has a dominating effect on our desires. When we avoid pain we become irrational in our thinking and we teach our understanding to perceive wrong.

So our struggle with sin is the number one problem with our perceiving these things and then our past experience has an effect but does not actually make desire for sin a greater desire than the desire to do good. Our past experience affects our understanding but sin is the well that tips the scales. If we think that past experience plays the major role in our perception then we pragmatic. We are actually giving more power to past experience than the power of sin in us.
8973  Forums / Main Forum / I Love You? on: June 07, 2006, 09:31:27 PM
I think Jen has a point. There is a difference between being close to someone on the internet and being close to someone in real life. Even men and women  who meet on the internet for building a relationship get to a point where they want to up the closeness and so they schedule a planned meeting.

I was thinking about how this would apply about just reading the scripture and where the mystery is say in who the apostle Paul is as in comparision to being in his presence and developing a relationship with him. So maybe it really isnt about the apostle paul and that necessity of fulfillment by comunicating in person. Could the fact that we do not know the author of Hebrews be a statement about focusing on Christ and not the author? So really the encouragement is in knowing that they were only men yet persevered to the end.

Then there is the hope of one day meeting some of the great saints in heaven. Granted we will be fully human growing in knowlege as Christ throughout eternity. So there still will be that human element in in glory with this satisfaction.

Yet we have our world, our local churches, the people we rub shoulders with every week and sometimes more often. Then there is the giving of oneself in all of this sastifaction in flesh and blood relationships.
 Yea, maybe the net fulfills certian itches such as writing something from the heart and then feeling good about that , yet the net only scratches certian itches. Oh well i am tired and am sick. 
8975  Forums / Theology Forum / Is Theology Your God? on: June 07, 2006, 04:25:39 AM
John i. 14. “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth;” where John very probably had in his mind what he had seen in the mount at the transfiguration. Grace and truth are not outward, but spiritual, glories.

Secondly. It is an intellectual view by which God is seen. God is a spiritual being, and he is beheld with the understanding. The soul has in itself those powers which are capable of apprehending objects, and especially spiritual objects, without looking through the windows of the outward senses. This is a more perfect way of perception than by the eyes of the body. We are so accustomed and habituated to depend upon our senses, and our intellectual powers are so neglected and disused, that we are ready to conceive that seeing things with the bodily eyes is the most perfect way of apprehending them. But it is not so; the eye of the soul is vastly more perfect than the eye of the body; yet it is not every apprehension of God by the understanding that may be called the seeing of him. As,

1st. The having an apprehension of God merely by hearsay. If we hear of such a being as God, are educated in the belief that there is such a being, are told what sort of being he is, and what he has done, and are rightly told, and we give credit to what we hear; yet if we have no apprehension of God in any other way, we cannot be said to see God in the sense of the text. This is not the beatific sight of God.

2d. If we have an apprehension of God merely by speculative reasoning. If we come to some apprehension of God’s being, and of his being almighty, all-wise, and good, by ratiocination, that is not what the Scripture calls seeing God. It is some more immediate way of understanding and viewing that is called sight; nor will such an apprehension as this merely ever make the soul truly blessed. Nor,

3d. Is every more immediate and sensible apprehension of God, that seeing of him mentioned in the text, and that which is truly beatific. The wicked spirits in the other world have doubtless more immediate apprehensions of the being of God, and of his power and wrath, than the wicked in this world. They stand before God to be judged, they receive the sentence from him, they have a dreadful apprehension of his wrath and displeasure. But yet they are exceedingly remote from seeing God, in the sense of the text.

But to see God, is this. It is to have an immediate, sensible, and certain understanding of God’s glorious excellency and love.

1st. There must be a direct and immediate sense of God’s glory and excellency. I say direct and immediate, to distinguish it from a mere perception that God is glorious and excellent by means of speculative and distant argumentation, which is a more indirect way of apprehending things. A true sense of the glory of God is that which can never be obtained by speculative ratiocination; and if men convince themselves by argument that God is holy, that never will give a sense of his amiable and glorious holiness. If they argue that he is very merciful, that will not give a sense of his glorious grace and mercy. It must be a more immediate, sensible discovery that must give the mind a real sense of the excellency and beauty of God. lie that sees God, has a direct and immediate view of God’s great and awful majesty, of his pure and beauteous holiness, of his wonderful and endearing grace and mercy.

2d. There is a certain understanding of his love, there is a certain apprehension of his presence. He that beholds God, does not merely see him as present by his essence, for so he is present with all, both godly and ungodly. But he is more especially present with those whom he loves, he is graciously present with them; and when they see him, they see him and know him to be so; they have an understanding of his love to them; they see him from love manifesting himself to them. He that has a blessed-making sight of God, not only has a view of God’s glory and excellency, but he views it as having a property in it; he sees God’s love to him; he receives the testimonies and manifestations of that love.

God’s favour is sometimes in Scripture called his face: Psal. cxix. 58. where it is translated, “I entreated thy favour with my whole heart;” it is in the original “thy face:” and God’s hiding his face, is a very common expression to signify his withholding the testimonies of his favour.

907To see God, as in the text, implies the sight of him as glorious and as gracious; a vision of the light of his countenance, both as it is understood of the effulgence of his glory, and the manifestations of his favour and love. Edwards
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8976  Forums / Main Forum / Admittedly A Trick Question ... on: June 07, 2006, 04:18:16 AM
John 1

14.  And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.
18.  No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.

1. His conception; which was in the womb of one of the race of mankind, whereby he became truly the Son of man, as he was often called. He was one of the posterity of Adam, a child of Abraham, and a son of David, according to God’s promise. But his conception was—not in the way of ordinary generation, but—by the power of the Holy Ghost. Christ was formed in the womb of the Virgin, of the substance of her body, by the power of the Spirit of God. So that he was the immediate son of the woman, but not the immediate son of any male whatsoever; and so was the seed of the woman, and the son of a virgin, one that had never known man.

2. His birth.—Though the conception of Christ was supernatural, yet after he wa
8984  Forums / Main Forum / Does Intelligence And Understanding Add? on: June 05, 2006, 07:15:18 PM
There is a difference between being personal on a forum and having a relationship in real life. Maybe i do go out on a limb alot here that i probably wouldnt if you were standing in front of me. I have noticed that there are people who form oppinions of me based apoun my love for calvinsim. I kinda have some goals here and it is very hard to find a balance between growing in knowlege and getting along for the sake of getting along.

I like reading youalls post and get to laughing alot. I just do not have the time these days and its hard to get to know a person on the internet. Its hard to talk about doing since if you discribe all that you are doing you will seem like a bragger. I am not sure any one here is depicted in a real way. The truth is Jeffery personally no one knows any one here. Unless you know someone personally in real life. I know a few people personally here because they were in my life years ago. But i am so unsure in so many areas as to who everyone is. I think we need to keep these two worlds seperate in our minds. Frankly i do not get all worked up about someone dissagreeing with me because in my mind i have placed this as only as i am known that it will it affect me. I cant understand people getting worked up in this impersonal way.
s conceived, his human nature was gradually perfected in the womb of the virgin, in a way of natural progress; and so his birth was in the way of nature. But his conception being supernatural, by the power of the Holy Ghost, he was both conceived and born without sin.
8993  Forums / Main Forum / Do You Believe In Free Will? on: June 03, 2006, 08:13:01 AM
The only thing, IMHO you have to retain from the Free Will argument is that if man has no choice whatsoever in what he does and what happens to him he is not guilty of anything. God is.

There are a couple of explanations that i need to make in order for my postion to be potrayed as accurate. First man had a free will at one time and chose to become a sinner. Man is fully responsible by falling into sin in the garden.

When I talk about freedom to choose the only loss of freedom in man after the garden is to chose salvation in Christ. The areas of personal likes and dislikes man does choose in freedom. Maybe not in the freedom that you are putting forth here, that is your obsession with man having a self determined choice.

This doesn’t rally make sense. God gives man the ability to accept or reject something which He freely offers. The choice to offer salvation is God’s, the choice to accept or reject is man’s.

If God gives man the ability to choose between salvation and damnation then God gives man the ability to choose salvation since God chooses to give man a choice to choose salvation. Like wise if God gives man the ability to choose damnation then God chooses to give man the choice to choose damnation. But the bible says that we are headed for hell from our birth. We are already in the state of death before we choose it. I have never seen that ability to choose between salvation and damnation since all those who are damned showed no ability to choose salvation. Do you see what i am saying now? And all those who are saved showed that ability to chose salvation and not damnation. This is why it is impossible for man to have a self determined choice because in reality that  really is no choice at all.

Willingly allowing someone to exercise freedom or choice is not an absolute loss of control. Allowing your child to choose what to wear , or accept Christ, or to pursue an interest is not a loss of control if it is freely given. Don’t you understand that?

Freedom of choice is being able to choose one thing over another for myself. Choice always involves preference and a greater desire for one thing rather than the other. Free Choice is not having an equal desire for two objects at the same time. Thats not choice and thats not freedom, thats nothing. God has created everything for a purpose. The maker always has a purpose in what he creates. Gods purposes cannot be thwarted. If they could then someone elses purpose could thwart Gods purposes.

It’s not really like that exactly - ‘in my thinking’. They chose the consequences of rejecting God’s offer of salvation. It’s not the same as saying God chooses to send them to hell. If a parent says to their son or daughter, I will support you if you go to school but you are on your own if you drop out, they do not choose the consequences the child will experience, the child does.
That there is still an ‘ultimate’ level of control on the parents part in the sense that they decide what the options are, does not mean that there was no choice on the childs part.
SO in this sense I affirm God’s sovereignty, but I feel that he built ‘possibility’ and ‘choice’ into creation.

First we choose to go against what God says because we are sinners. We do not choose to sin based apoun our freedom to choose. Obviously Adam was the most free human being to ever walk this earth. But when He fell into sin he was in absolute bondage. If Adam had an equal desire to choose between good and evil in the garden then his sorroundings would have been what caused him to sin. In an equal state of choosing between good and evil , then something must have tipped the scales, and that would have been the beauty of the object. So then in a perfect state as Adam was in the objects would have been more appealing to him than in his fallen state under your definition of freedom. You are saying that its better for Adam to be in the sinful state that in the perfect state when you place the object as the reason for drawing the choice out. I would say tthat you are paint a picture that is the opposite of freedom.

We do not choose evil because of a situation we find ourselves in or because the beauty of an object. We choose evil because we are evil.

‘Imputation of sin’ is a sticky subject and not universally accepted. Not surprisingly it is most often spoken about by Calvinists. Cursing a persons descendents and declaring people guilty of something they didn’t do is kind of immoral. It’s primitively warlike. It’s like saying all muslims are guilty of 911, and should and will be punished. It’s crude thinking. I haven’t done the necessary research to debate you on this from a scriptural standpoint however. But it sounds stupid to me

It sounds stupid because of your view of a self determined will. Which is really no will at all. The point is in personal responsibility the persons intrinsic desire is the reason for the action. The desire to sin comes from a sinner. What you are saying is that its important for man to have a choice between good and evil and for him to be able to determine that choice in himself. But if i determine to choose something and then choose it is the same thing as saying i choose one thing over another based apoun my liking of that particular object. The reason i like one thing over another is because of the state of my soul at the time of my choosing. I dont choose to sin by determining to sin, thats not a choice. I choose to sin because i am a sinner.

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