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7064  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: How to have eternal life on: October 25, 2007, 10:36:46 AM
Well all of life is wrapped up in Gods absolute control. Were can we find reality outside of God. Every real experience in life is exactly what God defines it to be. Our truth is in Gods truth. Our life is not as important as His love. His love is better than my life so that in what i desire represents that reality, in the pleasure of my mind, all the things i think about and unless i experience His love then my life will be most miserable.

All of creation is a witness of Gods glory. The weight of all rational thought equals the understanding that this representation of His glory equals Him being present in my understanding His purpose in creating all things and my enjoyment in the use of these means as well as the appreciation in the act of praising Him in this means of acceptance in His presence. In praising Him for His working in and through and to all things i am experiencing the weight of that glory in a moment by moment desire.

What other goodness can we conclude on this earth than concluding that there is nothing worth comparing to Him holding us in His rite hand, that is the Fathers concern in working in us and through us and to us the goodness and mercy that we need so that we can feel safe in the most trying times, and in expreiencing this mercy and love we know that He is always with us because our desire for Him being present in our circumstances is too strong for our natural opposition to fear being without Him so that we are always with Him. And in this knowlege we experience His speaking to us the wisdom necessary for us to understand His presence working in all things around us so that we have the assurance that these things around us will be set rite in time or eternity. Because we know that in the end we will be taken into glory and that outweighs our experiencing a vision of the glory of Christ here on earth. We will be taken into glory, and see the glory of Christ in all of its splendor. So this is all in Gods will and we are enjoying that fact in our experiencing this hope in our desires of anticipation and His working in us an affection for this future glory.
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7065  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Jude on: October 25, 2007, 10:32:58 AM
As you know grace is the word that gets watered down by sinners. If you gave grace a body and sin and guilt a body it could not co-exist with sin and guilt. If you made grace have magnetic forces, it would push mans will away and be attracted to Gods will. Grace is soveriegn because God is soveign and Gods will is soveriegn. The disposition of God toward man is gracious. Grace always wins over sin. Graces space removes sins space. Man does not naturally understand grace, cannot continue in grace in himself , never can have enough grace.

When God is lifted up, and He is enlarged in our eyes, then grace is poured out in us as if we were being filled as an empty vessel. Grace and liberty are the same coin. Where there is great grace there is great liberty in the Spirit.

When a person is filled with the Spirit, grace is poured out so that it brings about great supernatural strength. When grace is poured out in us we relinquesh our rite to pay for our sins and we rejoice in Christ  with such strong desire in experiencing that forgiveness which is in the springs of grace that well up in us as if we were a fountain of living water. In other words our sin is washed away with so much amount of water that its as if we had waves apoun waves beating up against the shores of our inmost being so that we glitter with the light of  the Sons glory in those watered shores of our souls.

Grace in confidence are the same coin. Without grace we would be going through one doubt after another. The waves of grace beat up against doubt so that doubt is washed out to sea. Grace is the essence of assurance in us of our estate in heaven and the qualilty of that eternal life in each moment of our lives here on earth.
7067  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Re: Anger At Church on: October 23, 2007, 04:41:47 PM
We have lost a lot of the common grace that was determined to place people in the position to have a kind of freedom that was not naturally mixed with oppressive relational Darwinism which is deterministic hatred. So that these delusional views have buttressed the old pragmatic views of man in semi- plagenism. Which has an effect on the over all disposition of a society of that former supernatural world view.

God is sovereign and because He is free to choose how He will work His will out on this earth, He has determined to accomplish this work in covenant. He has His covenant people chosen before the foundation of the world. The reason that God determined to be a covenant keeping God before He gave the law is because God holds Himself to His promises as the law giver. In other words God acts in covenant before He gives the laws demands.

It is a wonder how we could conceive that there is any reason why we deserve such a mighty and loving God. We are so spiteful to His freedom to work as He sees fit that we would make our worship of Him determined to work by us. We would flirt so much with will worship. But because God has determined to lavish us with all of His promises in the covenant, and He has given us all that we need, upholding us when we fall, keeping us from being judged, and providing us with more than we need, it is because of His sovereignty that we have such a surety. The only other option would be out of our goodness that was measured by the law, with a threatening of His judgment if we were to apostatize.

 But God has come to us not primarily by the law but by His righteous standard that was taken care of in Christ . So that the judgment might fall on those who are without Christ , chosen from the foundation of the world as sons of destruction. Because God has the rite to choose who He wants there really is nothing different between us and them, because there was nothing in us that was pleasing in His sight. But by that choice we have been given something more wonderful and powerful than any  thing in this world, and which will lead to an eternity of being without the negative effects of a rebellious heart and the problem with daily sinning. The freedom we experience as a result of our covenant keeping God is that we can have as much grace as we possibly can get , not because of our own ability , but given by pure sovereign grace as a result of Christ work on our behalf. It is because God is a covenant keeping God that we can endure, because God carries our burdens as what the law of love requires not being met in us, but out of His choice, He keeps the covenant.

But we are people who were brought along out of the worst of this earth, with more sin than the world could conceive. We were the worst sinners. And all of that judgment of the law has been met in Christ so that we only have a Father who has given us all of the things that are experienced by a perfect covenant keeper. God has come to us in grace so that what He wants is nothing good in us ,but to speak, praise and extol His Son, who went before us and met the demands of the law so that we might be acceptable covenant people. We are the army of God whos weapons are singing praises to Him , because of His goodness to us as God. He is always loving, kind, compassionate, forgiving and patient. What we know of Him as Father is this personal example to us that He gives us grace in order for us to accomplish anything. So that we are always receiving things and being filled with all the fullness of God because He is God. It is because He is sovereignly working out His covenant in His time  that we can understand and experience this kind of grace.

If we would just praise Him in the frame of mind of what He wants us to see Him eternally being as lifted up not just by His name but by His will, then we would experience the fullness of the sovereign Spirit. What idea of Him could we hold onto that we cause us so much grief in this world and keep us from always thinking of God as lifted up. We have been given the Spirit as a comforter to remind us of the Fathers unfailing covenant love. When we toy with the idea that it is by our own strength and goodness that determines Gods design, we are only leading ourselves to experience the arrow of the poison of our deluded ability, that strikes at our hearts and causes us to stay at that distance. Our Father wants to come in all of His goodness, with a grace that is purely free, and by the Spirit bring the cool waters of peace and tranquility to a lonely heart. He ask nothing but to trust in Christ.We come not with our own delusions of goodness , but with a heart full of gratitude, with a consistent eye to His newness and gracious infusions of the Holy Spirit, who causes us to alway triumph in Christ. We have a power that is much bigger than the power of our willing, it is beyond our ability to copy, and it is what He brings to bear  upon a heart that is thirsty for that foreign power of grace. Oh that we would have that witness of that unfeigned love of the Holy Ghost showing us our Fathers intense working His love in us. If we would let go of all of these human inventions we would give Him the praise He deserves.
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7068  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Galatians, Anger At Church on: October 23, 2007, 05:34:49 AM
In the garden God created man with a body and a spirit. So man is body and spirit. His body is not the shell and the spirit the substance of man. But he is body and he is spirit. The body and the spirit are unique to each individual so that any separation is an unnatural process.

We were made to glorify God, so that our spirit was made as if we had immediate access fellowship with God and enjoyment of that relationship with all of the desires toward glorifying Him. In other words there is no intermediate realm of existence. There is no carnal component in the creation of man. The carnality is a result of sin and not from a cause in the way we are made. We are dichotomize. We are body and spirit. We are not dust to dust and ashes to ashes. But the death process is unnatural.

We were made with a mind will and emotion. But these properties are body and soul enter related communication. The body effects the soul and the soul effects the body. In this paradigm there is much mystery. First because we cannot see as God sees. We cannot see spirits nor can we observe the communication in the unseen causes and effects.   The workable nature of this communication is within the divine purposes as first cause effects so that the kind of constitution of a man is determined by God for the purpose of working out all things for His purposes in bringing Himself glory.

It is not just in the physical effects that play a part in the weakness that determines a mans future. But is also in the make up of the spirit of a man. Some men are of a weak constitution ,some strong. So that the nature of cause and effect designs are beyond the understanding of man, causes and effects are hidden, determined, and designed out of a work that is beyond the local paradigm. There is a universal purpose the design of man.

The work of creation is from divine origin. So that the working out of the natural flow of creation is by the divine word. God creates and He recreates. So that the way a man is made in the secret place is by that word of God in creating and recreating. A man has been recreated from birth. And whether a man is recreated before he enters the world or is recreated being in the world, yet it is what God brings to fruition in the universal working out of His purpose in the design of the universe of man and things.

With the constitution of a mans soul and spirit being as individual and having different strengths and weakness, these workings can only be attributed to having a first  cause that is working to effect a mans life. Because we are subject to a power of working that is unseen, yet we are under that obligation beyond our abilities. So that ability is measured by that cause and effect relationship of the first cause paradigm. We are not just people who have a zero sum view of struggling with sin or being under the effects of the fall.

God has the working power of keeping us from temptation, sin and the realities of facing the weakness of disease and hunger. So that we are completely dependent on these things being worked out in our world, that is very small in the working out of His purposes. The whole of life is not what we see with our eyes, but it is what the kind of knowledge we have that is from the divine. The causes and effects of sin and death are determined in the unseen properties of powers that are beyond our view of life.

When we have found God we are at the place where we rest. But these graces of a super naturalistic origin, are what brings on the kind of place we rest in. What we experience is what He determines that will be worked out in the power of working or withholding so that we learn to depend upon Him as the only happiness that we will experience in the working out of the individual purposes in our lives. He deserves our praise before we can praise Him, beyond the strength of praise we can offer Him, and the length of praise we can give Him on this earth beyond our ability to live those days. He is our all in all, we were made to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.
7069  Forums / Key Life Forum / Re: Today's Broadcast on: October 21, 2007, 11:46:25 PM
Does God have a purpose for guilt?
Is there such a thing as legitimate guilt?
Is illegitimate guilt a test, or a trial, or spiritual warfare?
Or a combination of all three?

God has made us so that when we sin we experience guilt. Experiencing guilt is not only a result of sin but there is a fallen condition of selfish pride that  helps to make the conditions for guilt to continue. The problem with having guilt is not the feeling, but the guilt reminds us of what we did. But its not really the feeling of guilt that God has determined to remedy. Its the sin. So the guilt is more of the process of the conscience reacting to the sin. It is the natural out working in the fallen condition of man. So that mens natural love of himself is mixed with sorrow about sin stemming from guilt so that he can hold on to the hope that he can remedy the problem with doing another good thing to alleviate the feeling of guilt and not remedy the sin. So that this process is naturally appealing to every man in his fallen condition.

This natural condition creates the fertile ground for practicing self righteousness. Some people who have received salvation are so addicted to thinking this way that they mix faith and legal conviction without knowing it. They spend most of their lives in the pit of feeling guilt as if knowing that they are sinners equals having a guilty disposition. There is a natural pre dispostion to growing past this paradigm as we mature in Christ. We may feel the guilt but grace is the fertile ground that holds us to seeing Christ.

We naturally have the problem of being under the weight of sin and guilt in a feeling since. If we are honest about the way sin works in us we would feel more guilty rather than just picking one sin and transferring all the guilt we have to that one sin. Our problem is not that we have sin, but that we are deceived about how much sin we have and how deep the sin really is, and its presence not just as individual sins, but as a nature that we are still battling with. So that we must deal with sin as it is in the light of Gods word, rather than how we feel about a particular sin we are always feeling guilty about.

We shouldn t be devastated to have guilt. Because God is not looking at our sin like we are. If we think that God is trying to get us to be perfect by always having an eye to showing us our sin by making us guilty then we are warped as to the relationship we have as a son to His Father. God is looking at the longings of our hearts. He knows us most at the core of our souls. He knows us better than we know ourselves because everything is open to Him. We may have the weight of sin and guilt but God is answering our longings. He is in the process of renewing our desires so that we have a transformation from the core.

Confessing sin is what makes us feel better than if we had no sin at all. Because the process by which we experience forgiveness is the process by which we know His unfailing love. If we never sinned we would not know the greatness of His loving forgiveness. We know He is  greater because we are sinners. But we not only know intellectually , but we have been given our cry from our lips as the point of realizing the interrelation between our deepest desires and His spiritual reviving. Christ has taken care of sin at the cross, once for all, and the work is finished. Now we have open access to the throne of God in prayer by that work. We have the Holy Spirit who fills us with joy as a result of being forgiven. His renewing us in the desires is what heals us and causes us to deepen in the illumination of Christ name being hallowed. And it is through this joy unspeakable that over comes the naturalness of legal conviction. As we ask that the joy of the Holy Spirit offered to us in forgiveness not be taken , we learn to worship in that revived desire. It is the basis for standing in the grace of God, and worshiping with a wholeness of confidence. When David worshiped , he worshiped with all his might. This might was the revived spiritual experience through the redemption that we have in Christ, and the joy that the Holy Spirit gives in that forgiveness. Praise God for His forgiveness for without it we would be most miserable and under the constant legal desire.
7072  Forums / Steve Brown Etc. / Re: Anger At Church on: October 20, 2007, 08:21:17 AM
Worshiping is being in the presence of God and having a sense of that inward struggle between acceptability and the need to feel the awesomeness of His powerful Spirit. I mean there is a difference between knowing that we are accepted and having a conversion to greater acceptance. It seems like the great search in all of life is finding God in His temple. And once we have found Him then all is well. For a short time we are released from the tension of life, and we rest like a child being weaned by its mother. That is when our souls are still within us.

Its when we have experienced that quietness and stillness that we are drawn to the beauty of the vision of Christ. We learn that our souls were made to focus on Him and then there is the eternal experience. In the stillness there is waves of glory that pass through our souls. This glorious sense is mixed with a longing for heaven where He is. It is true that we are what we think, but we also visit the other side in that beatific vision, at least for a few minutes. Its not just a pipe dream, but the experience makes us complete in feeling accepted without the need to want more.
7104  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Galatians, Anger At Church on: October 16, 2007, 10:18:16 AM
Obviously if Christ hadnot come in the flesh and died we would all be stuck with a very profound corruption of our identity as we were once purposed to be. We were under the delusion of sin and of our father was the devil. We were deceived because our minds were blinded by the fall. But we really have a new identity in Christ. We are completely different in thought, word and deed. We were translated from death into life. Our purposes for living are completely changed.

But because we are still struggling with sin and death we must be reminded of who were are. We can still struggle with thinking that we are not identified with Christ. So this is an ongoing process of being transformed in our thinking by the renewing of our minds , through the work of the Spirit and the word. We must present ourselves as to Him as living sacrifices. This is the  process of what the new identity is in  reflecting upon the object of our faith so that we can know who we are as new men to understand who we are in Him. Simply put , He has done all of the work on our behalf, we simply learn to rest in Him.

We go up and down in knowing our new identity. Because we struggle with believing we also struggle with our new identity. Our strength in holding onto our new identity is not focused on our believing, but is on the object of our trust. As we are reminded moment by moment that we are forgiven, loved, cared for, fully confident under  sever trials , we begin to have peace that passes all of our own understanding of who we think we are in this struggling. We surpass our own view of ourselves, we forget ourselves so that we experience our new identity. We forget that we forgot and we are cast into a mournful state and a divided identity.
7110  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Goals and life on: October 15, 2007, 03:00:51 PM
I dont think so. There was a cluttered mind with Martha. Well maybe we can see that man looks on the outward, but God looks on the heart. I mean it just looks better to prepare some good stuff for Jesus, but He has a way of turning things upside down when it comes to what is important to man. Was there a need for Marthas service? Yes and no, i mean is service the chief responsibility of a believers life? Couldnt Christ have made out without the preparation? He after all was a man with no real place to stay. And then He does own the things that  meet those physical needs. But here the lesson is, i mean in the covenant, He promises to take care of our needs. If that was the chief means by  acceptance dont you think Her sacrifice would have been acceptable as a service? Or maybe what is an acceptable sacrifice is not service but a broken and contrite heart. It really was always the attitude of the heart, and now, in this account, doesn t Christ show that Marys heart was aright in Her response to His presence?

Mary recognized that she has the living Gods attention and it was worth more than the outward service. It was the means by which she actually had a conversion to see Christ as her all in all. It is in those moments in which we have that choice to spend time with Him or be busy, that may be the moment in which we experience a conversion in understanding the doctrines of grace, and we are brought to a liveliness that we had not understood because we had an experience of God in a more profound way as we fixed our eyes on Christ.We stayed our eyes upon Him beyond even our physical needs being met. We became weak in our calling on him night and day. He led us to the rock that was higher than us.
7113  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: God's Blessings on: October 15, 2007, 12:54:42 PM
Very good verse from Ps. If we trust in Him, then we may experience some dark times but we can never fail. Because God lights our way. And he actually shields us from what may destroy us. God is not just a shield and light in theory. But we are His children so that He determines to use us as He is working in us to will and to do. If we are experiencing some trouble we are physically under the effects of these dark workings in our hearts. We physically feel the pain of being under the trial. But because God shields us from utterly giving into this inward anguish, we are being delivered from the effects of the enemies intentions to destroy our faith. God is our shield and our rock. Upon the pangs of fear, anxiety, and hopelessness God is working to subdue our enemies and to strengthen our faith, and give us physical strength to endure.

We can rejoice as a king that in the end God will conquer all of our foes and bring us to rejoicing in Him, by speaking to us that He alone is our salvation. When we wait in hope for His deliverance we learn to rest in a life of being in great trials and longing for Him to speak salvation so that we have a more profound vision of Christ resurrection power over our very experience. We learn that we are beggars before His throne, having nothing to offer , but as beggars we are standing on a rock that works all things for our good. What we see in the end is a more profound beatific vision of the One who rules the heavens coming to rescue us at the point of our greatest need. When we feel the most helpless is when we learn the most about His power, when we are weak, He becomes strong. That strength is inbided on power from on High as if there was a tornado that comes through and leaves us in the silence of joy unspeakable and full of glory. When we hear His voice we are where He has created us to be. It is what makes everything clear and full in our lives of faith.

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