Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Oneness of Christ

When we are regenerated we are given new life in Christ. We die to our ourselves and we are given a new will and our old will has been destroyed. When we are baptized into Christ we are identified with Him in His death and resurrection so that we now can reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive in Christ. We enter a new relationship in which we now want to glorify Christ by having new spiritual desires. We are self conscious of being united to Him and so it really is no longer us but it is Christ living in us. We look at ourselves in a completely different way.

We begin to see real beauty. When we look at creation we see the glory and mystery in its workings , and it glitters in our eyes as the sun is shining off of that creation. We see Christ work in it and we begin to worship Him as a result of the beauty of that creation. In Christ we can rationally deduct that beauty coming as a result of Him being in control of all things. When we look at our selves we can see His hand in making us, we no longer feel as if we had been slighted, or given something that was not of beauty. Thats why we can grow old and still see His handiwork and His creation in all of our time here in the aging process as Him bringing us joy as a result of our new view of ourselves. We can be happy even at what we perceive as ugly because it really is in the eye of the beholder that we look through in our new view of things. 

When we sin we run to Christ and He forgives us, when we are hurt we run to Christ and that hurt draws us to desire being hurt with Him in our hurt so that our hurt fades away in His understanding our hurt by taking it and giving us new joy in its pain. We can a joy rite next to the pain and have the pain brought under control by Christ in the Holy Spirit so that we feel the joy more than we know the pain. Being in Christ means experiencing a supernaturally medicated struggle with pain because we are identified with Him in that pain and He is glorified with us in helping us see His beauty and not our pain.

In Christ we can pour out our hearts to Him and He will always listen. When He listens He actively acts before we complain to grant grace to us on the inside and to grant grace to those around us so that we know that the situation is going to be alright. We are in Him and He is in us because He and the Father are one we know that all will be well being always in Him in the Fathers house as special to the Father. Our prayers are answered by Him coming along side of us and communicating to us the beauty of His power and love so that we are changed from being under the weight of a situation to being thrust into the heaven-lies and we no longer are anxious about our situation. We are given a profound sense of His love for us and in that love we bask in the freedom we experience from that anxiety.

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