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9036  Forums / Main Forum / Can You Explain This on: May 20, 2006, 11:45:39 AM
I agree with you willis. In order for us to be getting the proper interpretation of law and grace we must take the whole counsel on this issue and bring in an balanced reasoning on this subject. Or we may have a very scued view as the arminist do.

 The law is applicable to us whether it is in principle the ciremonial laws of the ot. Or wether it is the moral law or the 10. The law is spiritual in that it shows us who God is, that is it enough to get us through this life in its revelation to us. The law is not just a moral code to follow, although there are benifits in trying as the natural order of a moral universe. The law is spiritual because it shows us who God is and so in that illumination we are confronted not only with its requirements but we are struck with awe of God. It is a spiritual understanding and not just a drudgery of doing as if it were a school master.

The law leads us to the end of ourselves and we cast ourselves on Christ. We rest in Christ from the works of the law and we serve the Spirit by opening the word which contains the moral law as well as all of the other aspects of Gods revelation.The law cannot save, when we are regenerated our relationship to the law changes from that of a school master to its accomplished purpose of leading us to Christ, so in that there is all grace within the conviction that comes from our being exposed to the law of God as christians.

All of our works are filthy rags! We cannot please God at any time in our lives in ourselves. We are always falling short of Gods standards,always! Even in the absolute spiritual height of our christian life we do not measure up. When we are saved we do not measure up to Gods standards. Yet we are required to obey all of Gods laws. But our obedience really is and evangelical obedience. When we do Gods will we do not do it according to His standards. So we need some elses obedience to stand in for us.

When Christ died on the cross he secured salvation for all those who are saved or are going to be saved. That salvation was accomplished at the cross and it was pre ordained before the foundation of the world by Gods soveriegn decree. Your name was in Gods decree before the foundation of the world. Salvation is accounted to you in this life at a point and time decreed by God, it cannot be resisted. Yet ist was earned by Christ at His death and ressurection.

There was nothing that you did to get that salvation. It is strictly a work of God. In that salvation you were declared righteous in a legal sense. You were forgiven all of your sins, past present which was accomplished by Christ taking on you sin, and you were given on your personal account His active obedience in which he lived on this earth, perfectly. In other words you were justified by grace through faith. The grace is free, the faith is a gift. The grace of God is always at work in salvation and sanctification. In the mortification of sin, that is putting to death sin by the Spirit, we are required to obey the law by repenting of sin, which repentance is not earned but given by grace by God. We turn from our sin to Christ and see that we are unworthy and ungodly in ourselves and we only have one hope of overcoming sin , and that is through forgiveness granted because of Christ work, and restoration granted by Christ through His active obedience. Through this grace process we begin to turn from sin and to Christ. THe law convicts us, we see our need , we turn to Christ, and we get renewed. If we try to make good our sin by doing something to make up for it we will be in a relationship with the law that will make us want to sin more. But we are in a relationship with a person of Christ and so the law leads us to Him.

So in order for us to obey, we need grace, and grace for each individual act of obedience pryor to us doing Gods will. And we need grace to perform the act while in the act, and we need grace to meet the requirements of God in that obedience. All this grace is in our justification and having Christ obedience given to us in salvation.
9040  Forums / Main Forum / Followers Are Not The Church! on: May 19, 2006, 01:12:09 PM
My own experience in transparency in the church is that God has controlled this very delicate balance. Heres what i mean. Here we are commanded to carry each others burdens, confess our sins to one another, pray for one another. And then we are also commanded to have no other Gods before Him. Now this commandment involves placing man as a god in place of God. You know there is this confessional mentality, that is if i just have someone who i can confess my sin to then i will become whole. Well the catholic church has been practicing this for longer than we can imagine and look at the state of the church.

I agree that transparency is important. In fact i think everyone needs to be transparent at different points in their lives. Here we are commanded to be transparent with each other, and yet we live in a corrupted world, a very low point in church history, you know the day of small things. And yet God knows the number of the hairs of our heads, and he takes care of the swallow, so he knows exactly what we need when we need it. So here is my experience in all of this.

There have been times when i have had that friend that would listen to me. Well you know what i am talking about, God brought someone into my life and there was a direct spiritual surge as a result of being able to be transparent to this person. Now it was not just that relationship of transparency but it was also these spiritual infussions to  strengthen my faith. I think God brought these different people into my life at the rite time to encourage me, at a cross roads in my life to prepare me for something even better. The people had more than just an ear. They had something supernatural that God was using in them to encourage me.

Yet in my experience they come and go. And i think its because we can create a syndrome of unbelief in this prolonged enviroment. Here we have this illusion of transparency , this perfect situation were we get into a relationship and we unburden our souls, and yet in order for us to grow there needs to be an absence of personal satisfaction after these stages in these transparent relationships.What does God do to stretch our faith? He seems to be distant. Why? Because faith is like a muscle. In order for it to be expecised it must be tested.

So absence test faith. Then we begin to ask where God went. Yet he is rite there but the relational abitility in assurance has weakened so that we must believe in things unseen. We will seek Him more in his absence. He has every rite since we forget him so much when we are cruising along. And so he does the same thing with people in our lives.

The problem is we live in a relational society,  idolic. I can remember the people who gave me that personal attention i needed at the rite times. And God was giving me so much encouragement in these times in these relationships, but then i have also experienced a distance where that special touch was not there. So now i smile when this situation comes along and i try to get as much as i can when God decides to bring these people into my life.

 Yet i have learned almost more when there has been no one. These times prepare me to help others who feel lonely. These times teach me a deep trust in the unseen. These times are very volital emotionally. Here is were longing becomes intense. God uses every situation in our lives to mold us. He is not going to do anything that will destroy our faith, but will strengthen it
9041  Forums / Main Forum / Followers Are Not The Church! on: May 19, 2006, 10:08:16 AM
Could it be that being a part of a local church makes your life easier to deal with.
I wish that were true. I long for that place, but I don't believe it exists on this side of Heaven. On the contrary, most time the local church becomes the local judge, jury and executioner. As an institution, it makes me cringe. But there are people in the church (and here at KLF) that change all that. I've come to realize that God isn't using everyone who walks through the doors of the church. Some are not His sheep and therefore, it will always be a flawed place.

That's not to say it's all bad, I love my church (with all it's flaws) and wouldn't leave it unless He dragged me out.
thanks LF, Maybe what i am trying to say is that this process of healing and that spiritual vigor that we recieve as members of a local church is transitition to us inspite all of the pain that we experience as a result of the sins of other people that we rub sholders with in that church paridigm. It is that people are used by God in our world of  church experience to minister to us where in all the seeming complex idocencricies of others that bring about the incomplete working in our need is made up by Christ and the Spirit in a supernatural way as we in unison of the local body look to Him through His word and coporate prayer to meet that need completely. We actually are made to feel helpless in a coporate way so that God gets all the glory, and this is the completeing aspect in all are needs being met. Is that confusing enough?
Youll have to excuse me for loving my calvinism, but maybe this whole problem that we have in this painful experience of church fellowship is a result of man centered theology, and focusing on the parts of the body rather than the Head of the body. So it leaves us short sited as to the holistic healing method of recieving grace as a result of who is exalted, who is given the glory. And unless we change the way we think Gods smile will be witheld. There is a sense in which the very preaching and focus on Christ absolute rule in His church brings men into enough vision of humility so that the Spirit is given His proper place through humble prayer and deepened need in us to become united in one mind. This really is the working out of Christ rule in practical terms.
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9042  Forums / Main Forum / Followers Are Not The Church! on: May 19, 2006, 09:44:34 AM
Could it be that being a part of a local church makes your life easier to deal with.
I wish that were true. I long for that place, but I don't believe it exists on this side of Heaven. On the contrary, most time the local church becomes the local judge, jury and executioner. As an institution, it makes me cringe. But there are people in the church (and here at KLF) that change all that. I've come to realize that God isn't using everyone who walks through the doors of the church. Some are not His sheep and therefore, it will always be a flawed place.

That's not to say it's all bad, I love my church (with all it's flaws) and wouldn't leave it unless He dragged me out.
thanks LF, Maybe what i am trying to say is that this process of healing and that spiritual vigor that we recieve as members of a local church is transitition to us inspite all of the pain that we experience as a result of the sins of other people that we rub sholders with in that church paridigm. It is that people are used by God in our world of  church experience to minister to us where in all the seeming complex idocencricies of others that bring about the incomplete working in our need is made up by Christ and the Spirit in a supernatural way as we in unison of the local body look to Him through His word and coporate prayer to meet that need completely. We actually are made to feel helpless in a coporate way so that God gets all the glory, and this is the completeing aspect in all are needs being met. Is that confusing enough?
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9043  Forums / Theology Forum / Spiritual Depression on: May 19, 2006, 07:11:08 AM
Do you have those memories? Oh those ultimate memories that flood into your souls to lift you from being tossed to and fro by the world. Yes Spirit infused memories are such deep consolations in our souls that they form present longings from God. These memories sweeten our present experience, because they take our minds off of ourselves and cast us apoun Him and his work in us so that we are flooded with eternity. Here is the place of worship, it is timeless, real, rational, granted to us because what we long for is Gods speaking to us and revealing to us Himself. There was that hymn, that word in illumination, that fellowship with the saints that struck us with an image of God that never leaves us.

Oh spend some times in recollection! Let the past longings for God meet these present longings. There is an innocents in memories of meeting with God in those younger days. There was a less complicated life of being in love with Christ. Oh how we went to the place of worship singing and rejoicing in Him. Those longings were so profound.
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9044  Forums / Main Forum / Sitting In The Pew. on: May 19, 2006, 06:39:57 AM
Here is the place where all unseen realities come together with all the human experience and bring about supernatural healing by our supreme Doctor. This is your appointment that is your place in the pew to meet with God. Just as the cross was the place were all powers met that is love and hate, justice and forgiveness etc, so the place were the cross is experienced in a supernatural way is in that place of worship, in your seat in the pew. It really is the most foolish place in the world. My lifes direction with all of its joys, sorrows , successes etc, and how my mind is formed is processed in that place. How foolish in the worlds eyes, i just sit and get my emotional needs met and becoming whole as a person in that simple place in Gods house. All of my longings are for that place. All of the ultimate experiences of peace,joy, love, comfort, pain, sorrow, are felt in that place. What do you think?
9045  Forums / Main Forum / Followers Are Not The Church! on: May 19, 2006, 06:02:39 AM
Could it be that being a part of a local church makes your life easier to deal with. Christ is the head of the church , i am speaking of the local church, and so His doing in our lives is in that frame work of membership. Could it be that the problems we face in our personal lives are given to us in direct relation to how our church is functioning and its specific needs. Could it be that the connection with people is soly related to the connection we have with the local church being experienced as a natural process rather than living outside of that paridigm in an unatural connection way.

Could it be that all the prayers for most all of our problems are answered in relation to prayer in the church and its called servants in our lives and our sheperds. Isnt the church our connection to supernaturalism? Could you invision attendance of a church that teaches sound doctrine as accessing all of the promises and privileges of Gods family, that is living in His house as a son in this attendance way and so having that relationship with our Father in this church connection
9046  Forums / Main Forum / Followers Are Not The Church! on: May 18, 2006, 05:01:34 PM
... experience validates Truth.


How do you know its God speaking to you in your experience?
Granted experience can have a profound effect on how we understand the revelation of God. But past experience can also cloud the revelation of God, and in a sense we are all products of our experiences. And if there is no historical perspective on our experiences then we may be cutting ourselves short as to what is the christian experience. I mean here we are human in all of this and not just having spiritual experiences. So there is a reading into what christian experience is by what kind of teaching we have had, who we have been around in the christian world that has been able to show us by experience the reality of these things, and what kind of preaching we have been under, which is the chief source of believing in a deceptive christian experience. These human interactions have a profound effect apoun how we read our experiences and what we consider is the proper christian experienc.
9048  Forums / Main Forum / Followers Are Not The Church! on: May 18, 2006, 04:28:54 PM
I have read these post and would like to add one thing here. I think we live on truth and not experience first. When we search the scriptures we are confronted with the truth, the revelation of God and we see ourselves in all of the revealing. There is a sense in which the more we submit to Gods revelation the more our disposition will be effected.

We dont just abide in the reality of who we are as sinners. Nor does God bring us to helplessness in order to show us something. In order for us to have a good understanding of abiding in Christ we must have an assurance that we are His. That assurance is cheifly His Spirit teaching us through the preaching of the word and the meditation of the word in that objective truth and then applying it to our lives in a practical way.

There is a sense of the word also. There is a spiritual beauty in all of Gods revelation. But unless we are actively engaging our minds in all of this we will not experience this assurance as an abiding assurance.
I dont want to be confused with the belly button theology either. I am not for looking into oneself or having some kinda self revelation that is the source of abiding. I am talking about the objective truth of the word and applying our minds to that truth even when it doesnt feel like it is breaking into our hearts. There is a delay of sastifaction sometimes when meditation gets long and dull. But there will always be a payoff. The only other abiding in self knowlege ,is a fleshly disposition which is just pining away, or depression from spiritual apathy, or a way that seems rite but leads to destruction.

The helpless disposition can be healed by meditation and practice. The message of grace is that not only are the effects of salvation free, but the active usage in Christ atonement for a guilty sinner is always positive in its workings. In other words we create our guilt trips by not understanding the way of God in revealing to us our sin and in His readiness to forgive, and never condemn us. This is more of an area here of trust or strength of trust. But strength of trust flucuates because we struggle with assurance. Assurance again is only found in a free grace gospel atmosphere
9063  Forums / Main Forum / God's Punishment? on: May 11, 2006, 09:16:08 AM
Everything that happens to us is by the decree of God. Most of us want to attach a reason for every little injury. We reason that God gets us back for incidents of disobedience. Yet the way we are thinking is from guilt and not rational. God disciplines us but he does it for a purpose, and that is for his glory and our own good. But he is more concerned about what goes on in our hearts than those things that happen in a moral universe of cause and effect.

He is a loving Father and so alot of his reasoning of what happens to us is unknown to us and probably will be unknown to us until we get to heaven. We reason in a physical universe with finite understanding, God reasons in a state of perfect will etc. What we consider negative is what He does to actually increase our ability to reason spiritually and see as He does by building faith in Him so that our dependence on Him is greater.

Those things that are tough to deal with are the very things that are turned around for our good by God so that we will praise Him and see the extra goodness of God in these trying things. He helps us reason in the rite way as a result of the fallen consequences wether personal or impersonal. A person who trust in God in the most trying situations actually is more rational than a person who blames God for negative stuff. We are to be humble beggars with great prayers for deliverance so that we can watch God turn the bad we experience to good.When we get this faith joy that does not depend on circumstances then we will experience soul changing realities. These desires will direct us no matter what the circumstances are.
9069  Forums / Theology Forum / Spiritual Depression on: May 08, 2006, 09:28:17 PM

There is a great assurance that is direct flooding into the heart a short awakening that is supernatural.the strength of the Holy Spirit who witnesses by the word with our hearts in secret movements effecting our desires, which flood in to strengthen our faith. Such strength has a physical strengthening as  well. The mind is sharpened so that the spiritual and eternal things become so much of a focus that all the desires of the heart are subdued and that eternal world inbueds the strength of angels on the disposition of a man.

 The word meditated on brings about a longing of more strength ,and more assurance of Gods witness in us. We become convinced of an eternal power so that supernaturalism superseeds philosophy. Unless we spend long hrs in prayer and meditation then we will only experience the temptation to semi plagenate our disposition. Real joy in the Holy Ghost comes when not only do we intellectually understand the absolute soveriegnty of God but we sense by an assurance that our Fathers love is shed abroad in our hearts. We feel that love over any other desire, that frees us in that assurance that the Fathers presence has come and all is well even tho the world around us is just a rough sea. That roughness is necessary so that we will seek this assurance as a result of suffering in our flesh and the trying of our faith. Oh the strength that is felt in assurance. Tarry long in meditation and prayer be pleading the promises, all will be well, Christ has already won the victory, we have so much eternal resources at our disposal
9097  Forums / Theology Forum / All Of Grace on: May 03, 2006, 03:23:57 PM
Romans 4 [Commentary]

1.  What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, has found?
2.  For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God.
4.  Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but as what is due.
5.  But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness,
6.  just as David also speaks of the blessing on the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works:


9.  Is this blessing then on the circumcised, or on the uncircumcised also? For we say, "FAITH WAS CREDITED TO ABRAHAM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS."
10.  How then was it credited? While he was circumcised, or uncircumcised? Not while circumcised, but while uncircumcised;
11.  and he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while uncircumcised, so that he might be the father of all who believe without being circumcised, that righteousness might be credited to them,
12.  and the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but who also follow in the steps of the faith of our father Abraham which he had while uncircumcised.
13.  For the promise to Abraham or to his descendants that he would be heir of the world was not through the Law, but through the righteousness of faith.
14.  For if those who are of the Law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise is nullified;
15.  for the Law brings about wrath, but where there is no law, there also is no violation.
16.  For this reason it is by faith, in order that it may be in accordance with grace, so that the promise will be guaranteed to all the descendants, not only to those who are of the Law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all,
17.  (as it is written, "A FATHER OF MANY NATIONS HAVE I MADE YOU") in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.
18.  In hope against hope he believed, so that he might become a father of many nations according to that which had been spoken, "SO SHALL YOUR DESCENDANTS BE."
19.  Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb;
20.  yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God,
21.  and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.
23.  Now not for his sake only was it written that it was credited to him,
24.  but for our sake also, to whom it will be credited, as those who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead,
25.  He who was delivered over because of our transgressions, and was raised because of our justification.
Thanks Bill, Here is the passage about justification and how it relates to believing. Here Paul is stressing the fact that entrance into salvation is not of works. The illustration about the wage being earned is really the opposite of the doctrine of free grace given and the doctrine of justification. If we think in terms of an employeer -employee relationship in the relationship we have with Christ then it shows that we do not understand justification by faith.

There is no earning favor with God. There is no hourly wage paid for good deeds. Salvation is a free gift given to us through faith or believing in the work of Christ on our behalf.

Some people think that justification is a one time act at salvation, and then the sanctification process starts after justification. In other words justification is the gift and then we must take the rains from there in our sanctification and work out our salvation. So justification in this sceme is seen as happening at the begining and all the good graces of Christ righteousness are sorta in the distant past for an older believer.

The problem with this thinking is that if you read the whole Rom.4 passage justification is seen as a present reality, in other words it is always at work in the most mature believers. Thats why it says that abraham was declared righteous in his believing that he would have a child which was an experience in the later years of his christian experience. So he was only righteous by that act of believing as credited to him.

Abraham obeyed God by believing that Sarah would have a baby, yet that obedience was only acceptable because of a righteousness that was foriegn to him. This is the argument of Paul from ch. 1 in that all righteousness that we have is a foriegn righteousness.

The question is what was the process that was going on in Abrahams mind and understanding in the act of believing. Well he says that abraham counted himself ungodly. Abraham looked at himself as ungodly in himself and so the only remedy for this delima was not in abrahams righteousness but Christ righteousness. See this process of identity was part of Abraham thoughout his christian experience. When he counted himself ungodly , then he realized that all of his believing was by grace and so that identity of himself was the fertile ground in abraham in which justification flourished. Even tho our identity is in Christ and so we are seen as completely righteous, yet we still have remnants of the sin nature and we still need the grace of Christ to make all our believing acceptable. So we do recognize that we are ungodly in ourselves All of our christian experience is of grace.

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