God must be absolutely just at all times. God must act according to His
nature. On the one hand God is holy, just, wrathful and vengeful. On the
other hand God is faithful, kind, long suffering and loving. In order
for God to act justly He must act consistently as a God who curses and
blesses. Pragmatism is a state in which men are in between cursing and
blessing. It is on oppressed disposition. That is a man who is double
minded.. He could be blessed or he could be cursed.
For a
believer there is no danger of God acting pragmatically. God who acts
pragmatically in a society as it unravels into chaos is acting perfectly
consistent with His nature and purposes. The reformers describe this
God as smiling in our times of trouble. We believe that any time God
works in a pragmatic way that He is defending His elect and at the same
time moving the unraveling of society faster than the trouble that face
the elect. I call this cursing the destruction or pushing the curse
If God were at any time to judge society according to His
law then He would need to act in a similar way as He did in the flood.
But God acts apart from mankind as one who is free from any equal power.
In this sense Gods smiling on His elect is granting us a state of
living in mystery. How can a sinner who deserves to be judged be
protected in a pragmatic way that is beyond our understanding? The
pragmatism is our friend in that it acts as a shield that surrounds us.
cont Yes we are not under the ceremonial laws of the ot. But Gods law is
eternal and if there is any violation of the law no matter how
insignificant we think the sin is... one sin committed before God
deserves death. In this sense I do not believe that God instituted His
law in a nation as the hope for it to keep a nation from being uncivil.
But I agree with the Psalmist that God gave nations leniency by the law
not being carried out in its original demands.
The reason that
God introduced pragmatism into the process of carrying out the law was
because man takes Gods law and uses it as a threat in order to create
his own class of followers and become his own god. The pragmatism was
introduced to protect those who were being destroyed. So Gods view of
law breaking begins from the top down. God is above the earth , which
represents the highest authority overseeing each violation of His law.
only did God provide pragmatism to man in carrying out the law but He
gave different standards to according to ones occupation in life. God
does not really in act laws apart from His relational purposes. God
judges by how men speak according to their motives and not necessarily
the letter of the law. will get back to this.