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5629  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: January 31, 2009, 09:53:07 PM
Now God is holy and He does display His wrath toward sinners every day. Because every day is a day where some of the human race are being judged for their sins in hell. Just because it does not occur to us at any given moment, yet it is very real. Now this kind of awareness is not necessarily a danger to the health of our general disposition. Because we are protected from this paradigm. We are protected by pure grace. Grace is more powerful than our sin, and if it is more powerful then our personal part in the sin is covered as well.

How do we know this? Well first of all we have an assurance of this protection in what He says in His word to us. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God. Is it because we do what we want to do to be found righteous? No, for we do what we do not want to do. So where do we get this assurance if we cant trust our own determination to fulfill the requirements of having an assurance of this protection? Well thank God through Jesus Christ that even tho evil is rite there with me yet it will not be with me when the day of judgment comes. There is only one position i can be in when i stand with all of my choices brought before me. Because Gods words that i do not do what i want ring for all eternity about my condition under sin. So that my only hope is in Jesus righteousness put to my account. If we have hope then we have a hope that is stead fast and unmovable. If it was subject to our wants then it would fluctuate like in not doing what we should. So we look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. In this we have full confidence and assurance. We are assured that Christ will shield us from the wrath to come.

But if we consider that we have met the full ability to stand in our own wants then we will never have a real assurance. This is a bigger problem than just looking at this as a doctrinal difference. This is a systemic problem with how we view the love and hate of God. Because if there is something we can do to meet the requirements of the law in ourselves then there is a reason to find that there is some good in our own ability but there is condemnation as well. Because the law only speaks condemnation to those who break the law. The reality is that we will present to our own mind a God that is different than the God of assurance. Because if we think that we are able to meet the requirements of the law then God is able to judge by the law to His own children. Now we know that if we are exposed to the judgment of God that we will be exposed to His anger. So what does it teach us about ourselves when we have a God that is angry? It teaches us that we can never really be assured that He loves us. It also teaches us to be more fearful of God than fully confident. So that when we are having a twisted view of who we are, we develop an anger towards our own view of the world. Instead of being assured that Gods wrath is toward those who do not know Him, we are more and more convinced that God loves the world in a general way, that is there is some grace there, but that He being closer to us is more focused on us to change us by a warped discipline. Is it any wonder why we do what we hate to do in trying to pray to this god?
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5630  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: January 31, 2009, 06:16:32 PM
  There is only one place that we can find relief. In our natural understanding we learn to long for those things and positions of this world by our physical senses. This is our natural frustration. How can God be a good God when i am going through so many trials, when i cant seem to feel as free and full as those who have this worlds goods. I know that we are smart enough to figure out that there is something twisted about the way this world looks at success. But still we suffer the effects of not having enough money, or having a weakness that causes us not be able to stand as we should, or being left alone with very little friends because who wants to be a friend if someone who feels so all alone and poor? After all if God is good then we surely havent experienced that goodness. He has withheld those things other people enjoy as we live in the communities from our personal experience.

I can see where we would fall to bottom in this life. I mean even preaching the gospel to ourselves becomes a defensive way of keeping us from utterly sinking under the trials of this life. But there is all of these emotions that bring about a sinking feeling in the stomach and drive us to despair. There is the fear that we will not be treated fairly, or that we will be rejected if people really knew how different our experience was as compared to their success. I guess that i have found there is not a lot of people who think that their situation in life was purely a gift from God. I think this is the deeper reality that goes on inside of us who are living in this world. How can God sit back and watch all of this going on and seem so silent. After all it makes us feel helpless as well.... it only encourages us to sink farther into despair. We are like John the Baptist who was thrown into prison while the Lord of the universe was starting His earthly ministry and yet he wouldnt even come to the local jail to get John released. What would make John say" I must decrease but He must increase."Its easy for us to say that because we are talking about being frustrated of a rejection or a low social position. And i know the scripture mentioned that John was frustrated awaiting to be beheaded. And yet Peter was released from jail after the church prayed for him only later to die upside down on a cross because he did not consider his death as an honor enough to die like his Savior.
But we experience this same kind of anger toward our accusers, and those who would cause us harm. Now we can also reason that if Christ died for the world, there is a sense in which His love for mankind was extended through His patience so that men experience blessing even tho they do not know Him. But that kind of thinking does not always cause us to get out of the doldrums. I mean we could misrepresent Gods perfect understanding of all these different events as to how He judges one man while at the same time He saves another. We could be taking some of this weight of anger onto our own shoulders for the sake of not having to go through the natural flow of our being in His image in how He wills these things to be. I mean there is a sense in which we receive this anger as if we teach ourselves to hold onto it that is a hidden pain about how we feel about being mistreated in this world. Ok, we roll it over to Him but still it lingers as a fog , so that there is no experience of relief.

This is why arminism is so dangerous. Because it teach s us that God is using His anger to change our behavior. That is He is angry at sin, but our sin is our responsibility by a pure choice rather than as seen as being a condition of our souls that we could never remove without the intervening of Christ on the cross. So that half of the problem is we havent got enough will power in order to match Christ work. Now that is a form of the wrong self hatred. Either God has a definite love from before the foundation of the world in which He has expressed His anger toward the wicked by His will to punish or He is determined to overcome our anger by His anger toward our ability to choose to love. If God says He has judged the unrighteous then there was nothing that we did to force Gods hand. And if God has promised to love us as He promises to punish the wicked in perfect anger then we can trust that He has this punishment completely under control. So that in this sense we are loved no matter what because God has already expressed His protection of us by His promise to punish our accusers. Now we can leave our anger to Him. In this way our choice to not be angry is giving it to Him and believing that He will take care of us.
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5631  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: January 31, 2009, 12:35:13 PM
There are two things here. We have a goal, that is we have an object of our affection as we go from place to place. This includes going from our home to church, going from our child hood to middle life, and growing old in the sense of experiencing a loss of energy that He gave us when we were young but we must come to the realization that there is nothing in this life that is going to get better , we must come to realize that there will be a declension as the natural flow of growing to die. But at the same time it is possible to grow into a greater affection for the one thing. We are thinking in terms of what is our understanding by an experience of that one thing and not a description of it by what we think it is from the outside of the experience. So it is possible to know Him so well that these other forms as to the importance of the means begin to fade under the sheer joy and excitement having found this experience overwhelming. I think this is what it means to worship God. I do not think we can define it in terms as going from one place to another. Jesus said that man goes from one place to another to worship, but God is a Spirit and we must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. I do not think He was saying that we are to do certain forms in order to know Him by His Spirit, but He was saying that If we listen to His Spirit that we will know Him as we worship Him in spirit. That is more than a place or a time. That is more than a set of standards as if we were going to be graded by our level of understanding. No that is a description of a motive and a desire that has very high levels of affection and trust.

We are talking about a spiritual understanding that is not easy to explain as to how we are led along in the teaching of the Spirit. We are not going through something to get to God. We are not waiting for something to happen in order for us to gain a greater understanding. We are not looking at man in this instrumental way. We are experiencing a unity of the Spirit in the teaching of the Spirit ... this being the chief instrumental function of this horizontal affection for one another. And i would say that this spiritual understanding is better understood as it is being taught to us by our experiencing this unity of the Spirit in the height of affection as the chief means for our encouragement of one another. Because we cannot affect a will by a moral command. We cannot meet one another at the point of an agreement about something that is just from the intellect. This paradigm is filled with hypocrisy because it is an attempt to build a religious unity as we feel good about using measurements of the fits and sorrows in a dis positional sense as the markers for reading each others motives. I am talking about the whole paradigm of the belly button theology here.
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5632  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: January 30, 2009, 03:30:13 PM
Ive got to say something about God being a friend of sinners. First God is not waiting for us to accomplish His purposes. He is fully able to do more than we could ever ask, and it also says what ever we think. So our problem is that we do not think that God is all things to our relationship to things. Whatever we need the Father reduplicates the answer in His Son so that no matter what we face He is going to work it out as if He was doing it for His Son. Our problem is not that we do not have enough ability to access this completed confidence in God as a friend, but we do not believe that He is able to do what He has promised. If we would envision a God who is not surprised by the most realistic struggle that we have with our own weakness and sin, then we do not have enough confidence to present our case to Him in order for us to be convinced that He is our friend. We are more afraid of Him than we are of dwelling on what we think He is like. I mean we have an incomplete understanding of what He thinks about the application of what He says about Himself, so that we spend wasted time thinking that He is thinking something that He has never thought about us about our sin. Now where did we learn this? We learned it from our earthly relationships. What ever we understand about God has very little to do with how we react to one another. God is other, He is more loving than we can imagine, He is more faithful than we could enjoy in others, and He is more determined than our best convictions. We who are His, could not even exhaust His patience.But we talk to Him as if we would cause Him to be impatient with us. Just think of it like this, if you had a friend who was all ears, and you could listen to His questions as you pour out your heart to him, wouldnt you come away from that communication a much more peaceful and encouraged person? Well God is unfathomably more of a friend than that.

As you know if we consider God a very wrathful and holy God then that is perfectly legitimate. All of His attributes are expressed in one on His attributes. He is not a force. But to conclude that His wrath is a personal assault upon His own people is not biblical. In fact our relationship as His children do not come out of His anger. That means that He has ceased to be imagined as a God who is at odds with us as His children. The worse situations that we face in this life do not reflect upon Gods retribution toward us. We actually are experiencing His working the good out of the evil. If God was going to use threats in order to help us to not want to do evil then all of us who are in the family can express our anger toward each other by controlling the bad behavior in a threatening way. This is exactly the opposite of grace. Grace is loving the unlovable, not trying to convince a sinner to get in line. If Gods grace is greater than our sin, then He has enough cause and effect power in grace to keep us who are sinners.
5633  Forums / Break Room / MBG'S Hall of Calvinist on: January 30, 2009, 02:42:16 PM
I would like to reward those who have been consistent in being a Calvinist in their writing by mentioning them here.

1. Pete- WORC is the most consistent experiential Calvinist writer here.
2. Casey -Toadbat is a close second.
3. Bill B is a 4 pointer but he has the revivalist Calvinism down.

 Every one else can give me what position  they are. If i havent mentioned someone forgive me. But i need to read a bit more of what you write.
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5634  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: January 30, 2009, 11:32:19 AM
  The worship of God is a spiritual worship. The reason is because in order for us to worship properly we must have a High Priest that has interceded for us and is presently interceding. The reason that we experience this present intercession is because we desire to find God, we long for the living God. This is as natural as eating. The source of this experience is from the Spirit. I mean we could look at this as our being defined by a social order, or a peer review, or one thing being added to make us something that we were not, that is in the succession of changing from an idea of what the truth of that thing is, and how we saw it in the past. I think this is the difference between drawing from a philosophy of what it is defined as it to what it is supposed to be, or having a relationship in our understanding of what He is making us to be. This is the realm of seeing things that do not appear.

Maybe His word is a succession of ideas. I mean in our experience as we define living from one minute to another in this physical paradigm. But i do not think we can describe how we go from the letter to the spirit unless we understand that the words themselves are eternal. I had one of those reality checks today as i was working. I was thinking in terms of time and then eternity broke through so that even tho i was moving in the physical sense my inner world was under the eternal views as to the order of things as they do not appear in time. I mean i could describe it as Jesus being there in the room by His Spirit, but then if Jesus view of things is not a succession of events or ideas maybe i was in His spiritual illumination so that i was worshiping Him outside of time. Ok, maybe our inner world actually is more real than the actual causes and effects that we see happening in time so that they are eternally one event. O man this is way too big.
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5635  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: January 29, 2009, 11:50:26 AM
If you look the Revelation of John you will recall that God promises to come in and sup with us. Now i was always taught that God did not have fellowship with us because He is Divine and we are human. But here the word is actually fellowship. Just like we have fellowship with one another. Now this is where these things get difficult. We would think that having fellowship with God as an equal would be bringing God down to our level. Here is where the whole idea of resistant theology has an effect on the confusion of our understanding of our position before God in our faith. Its more important for us to have a proper view of God than it is for us to meet the requirements of His holiness in ourselves. After all we are required to exercise our faith in order for us to know God. I mean if we had the faith of a mustard seed we could move mountains. Is it because our faith comes to a point where we are in with God and we get what we want? I mean can we describe faith as having a necessity to be at a level where we grow to be accepted by God as being able to meet the requirements of having fellowship with Him? Does our faith give us a possibility to move those things that are impossible? If that would be the standard then why should we depend on God to move the impossible? I would rather think that dependence is expressed as what is impossible with us is possible with God. So that the possible is only possible when we are totally dependent on Him. This is the paradigm of the expression of liberty of the will. So that we can say that the exercise of our freedom is finding that we cannot accomplish anything in our own strength. So that there are things that are impossible for us to accomplish in expression of our liberty to choose. Its not that we find a percentage of ability in order to have the power to move the impossible.

If we are convinced that there is nothing that we can do in order to please God, then we are going to find our hope fulfilled in understanding who God is. In other words the bigger God is the more we are going to be dependent and the more the expression of faith is going to be exercised. So that we find in our understanding of God that all things are possible but with us then everything is impossible . Both of these expressions is faith being exercised. But if we have a little power and God meets our power then God is always going to be to us a God who meets us at our willing. That is we will never be accepted enough in order to understand the concept of exercising faith in Him making all things possible. We would never understand the full paradigm of having fellowship with this God.

If we are forgiven then in order for us to have an expression of the faith of forgiveness then we would be more confident in His forgiveness than we would our ability to be accepted in order to be forgiven. In other words it would be a very small faith to not meet the praise worthiness of His work of forgiveness on our behalf. So that freedom is expressed in finding it is impossible for us to earn forgiveness but it is possible for God to forgive out of His being praise worthy to be the alone forgiver. So that our confidence is expressed in fellowship with Him by His praise worthiness of that forgiveness. For we do not express freedom in the amount of power we have to find forgiveness in Him. What is impossible for us is always possible with Him.
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5636  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: January 28, 2009, 02:39:09 PM
Theres a freedom in believing that my greatest view of my own self denial is but filthy rags to a holy God. God is the only good being in the universe. All other creatures are only good by Gods causing them to be good. I think that man can develop a religion by focusing on his own ability to be on a certain level of goodness by His own self denial. Thats why God does not share His glory with any man. Because men always define religion by lowing the standard of goodness. There is a freedom in knowing that even tho i do not deny myself on the level of Jesus, that God still sees me as His most loved object of affection. If we love as Christ loves then we will love an object that is always straying. Otherwise our own judgment on the object we love would be based on our level of self denial. This level is nothing but filthy rags.Its worse than the most despicable sin. For pride is setting the standard lower and teaching other men to lower the standard by our own self denial. I find it the most ugly religion ever invented by man. Jesus alone deserves all the praise for He alone was the only man who denied Himself.
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5637  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Define Your Fear on: January 28, 2009, 01:56:00 PM
If we have been regenerated then we have been given the Spirit of adoption. The Holy Ghost defines our reality. We are not serving a force that is waiting to energize us when we start to please Him. The Holy Spirit is God the Holy Spirit. He is eternal. The reason He is eternal is that He does as He pleases. If He does as He pleases then we cannot please ourselves over what He pleases. The Holy Spirit is irresistible.

When the Holy Spirit is grieved He does not react like He does in those who do not know Him. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace. Even tho the Spirit is grieved His ways cannot be thwarted. For the Spirit is the Spirit who lust for control or He is the convincing Spirit. Now we know  that sin grieves the Spirit. We know that grace is more powerful than sin. Because grace has illuminated the need for us to find our willing to be forgiven in our own ability. We now have the eternal God who dwells in us and has made us the temple of God. In other words we are the dwelling of God. If we are to gain an understanding of the secret work of the Holy Spirit then we will find that there is nothing that we can do in our own power in order to please the Holy Spirit. For without Him we can do nothing. Our problem with ourselves is that we do not understand the irresistible grace in which the Holy Spirit works though and in us. We are always telling Him that its our ability and power, and He is always reminding us that its not by might nor by power but by Me who shows you Christ.

 The Spirit is eternal because He knows our thoughts before we think them. So that He knows us better than we know ourselves. The Spirit teaches us the deep understanding of the spiritual reality of the confidence in how He has sealed His word in our hearts. Since He has planted the seed of the word of God in our hearts, then we are not in need of a teacher, since He teaches us by His authority and power alone. For all men are lairs. All men think that there is only a connection between what they set their hearts on and the rewards they receive. But the Holy Spirit has already understood the their thoughts before they think them and has found them wanting. So that the Holy Spirit is the secret communicator to the Father on our behalf since we are most deceived about the matter at hand. Our best prayers are an affront to a holy God.

 If we are to know how much we are enabled by the Holy Spirit then we must consider the cause of all things that work in this universe. For the Spirit teaches us spiritual things. We have not received the Spirit of the world, that is the spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience. We know that we were enlightened by the Holy Spirit who made us alive when we were regenerated. He implanted His word into our hearts and by that we have been called from eternity with an irresistible purpose because the Holy Spirit has given us a confidence that the voice of our Father was spoken from eternity past as if we were implanted with the life flow of the resurrection power of our risen Lord in this constant implantation. We are made to dwell in houses that are not made by hands.
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5638  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Unbelieveable... on: January 28, 2009, 01:12:39 PM
I do not think it is wrong to have a distinction between how we treat one another in the church and how we treat these different relationships with the world. We should receive the best from both worlds. On the one hand we have a very difficult time in the world, but on the other hand we come together in the the church as if we were being Shepherded by those who give encouragement and support as our doctrine becomes our practice. Our minds are formed by our understanding of this i -thou paradigm.

 Now in the world we will have tribulation. The reason is because we think differently than the world in every area. Our understanding of in our need is that we depend entirely on our great Shepperd. He supplies all of our needs in His time. We are not people who think that we are able to incorporate these different moral qualities into our personalities and find happiness with the accumulation of wealth that we have acquired in order to have a standard of living. We do not have hope in this worlds goods. We put our hope in things above where Christ is seated at the rite hand of the Father, where all of our encouragement from what we receive comes from the throne of grace. That is the divine light of the truth of the knowledge of Christ that flows down from His throne, where the cherubim are on either side. We receive His grace which is the source of all of our resources being met and we find that grace to be all we need to live in this life of trouble and discouragement. If we are to struggle with anything as it relates to our view of ourselves in light of how we look at this world and what we value as a result of what we value, then we are only proud as we think in terms of what we deserve. If we think that we have enough power on our own to produce something worthy of His good judgment then we are no different than the way the world thinks. Because the world thinks only on the horizontal level.

 But our hope is in Christ alone. We come to Him for everything we need. We go to His word for all of our wisdom, and we lean on Him in all of our troubles. For if we are to be taught in how to glorify Him, then we must not put anything before Him. And if we are to enjoy Him then we must find all of our comfort in this life from Him. Then we will find that He is worthy of all of the glory. Then we will find how much the world hates Him. For the world cries out for us to find our trust in something else. The world calls from near and afar, "Let him trust in the Lord if the Lord will save him." In other words their hatred is expressed by reminding us that our trust in Him is of no value. Or if we have a trust in Him that is to our own hurt then we are fools.  But we are encouraged to give HIm the glory even when we are most miserable and low. Then we receive from Him all that we need. We are always receiving a public scolding , but we are always enjoying a private and secret encouragement. This is why we are to find His giving to us of the worlds riches as the most gracious gift from His hand seeing that we only are promised our daily bread but He has given us wealth beyond our ability.  
5648  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Person, or Place? on: January 25, 2009, 01:16:04 PM
Its interesting that after man had sinned he begin to flee from the presence of God. First because man was afraid that God who was offended would punish him. So the thinking was that when they disobeyed God then the command was speaking against them. I think they became self conscious because they had the experience of guilt for the first time. Before the fall there was no reason for man to think evil in a suspicious way ,as if there was a temptation that was strong enough for man to be under the power of anything. When man gave into the temptation then he placed himself under the power of evil. Mans whole countenance changed because his enjoyment of not having to worry about how the responses to his longings was perceived to be averse to his ability to focus on the object of his affection in a complete understanding of what was to be the ultimate union. The paradigm of guilt forced him to focus on his own needs first. This was a great fall. He went from having an understanding of the praise worthiness of all that his union was with Eve and His fellowship with God from a perspective of no confusion about himself to complete confusion and frustration about himself.

 I think the fig leaves not only was an attempt to cover up the nakedness, but it was an attempt to forget his cycle of condemnation to sin.The nakedness reminded him of the guilt cause the power of temptation forced him to be afraid and made him uncomfortable in his own skin. In other words there were new longings to avoid or forget the law of God and the condemnation to sin. Mans new conscious existence was in sin. Thats why the world avoids thinking about their own sins. The reaction to cover up their sin is as natural as the first attempt.  This is the blindness of men who do not know God. Every thought of man is a scheme because they convince themselves that God is not looking and counting. I guess you could say that there is this temporary relief of our own goodness followed by a continual hardening of the heart.

 Of course God comes looking for man. This is always the case. Men run from God because of their sin and guilt and God comes to man. The voice of God was the call to Adam that would bring adam back to God. When God asked Adam where He was i think it was about redemption. Adam was being brought back. The skins were provided for his renewal. When a man is renewed then the problem of sin is taken care of by God. Ok, we can attempt to put on the leaves but we are forever changed to trust in the skins. Just like going to the leaves was as natural as desiring for self gratification, now getting the skins is as natural to us who enjoy grace.


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