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5731  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Cleaving to God on: January 03, 2009, 07:21:58 AM
Grace is the power to accomplish His will. But grace is His favor toward us. Grace not only gives us a power but grace is manifested in His power working in us. So grace is what He does to make us long for and believe that He is who He says He is, and to know that we look at Him as the cause, the means and the ends of accomplishing anything.Grace not only causes us to look away from those things that are of very little value , but we live in grace so that we live in His pleasure. We live in a power that has more pleasure than the pain we experience as a result of our weakness and sin. If we only had more natural gifted ness in our ability to access enough strength to experience the full power of His grace we would experience His resurrection power in a more continuous and complete understanding of this assurance. But since we cannot look on His glory because of the amount of power there is then we look at Him in a glass dimly. But we can experience enough power that we are swallowed up in His glorious wonder and awe.

 Here is where we find the understanding of the power of His grace. We begin to long for the living God. We cannot understand why we are so miserable and unworthy. We are made to have confidence in Him through His grace that we have an assurance by the deepness and consistent longing of our hearts to find Him. This is the power of grace in experience. Since we are so prone to wander, we must find all of our longings fulfilled in Him. Because when we wander from Him we long for something that is not equal or better than Him. So that we know grace when we have found Him. He is the source of all the power of every living thing. He has already graced us with the power to praise Him because we do not have enough power to praise Him as He deserves. So that grace not only gives us a vision of His majesty in the longing for His glory, but grace causes Him to accept our praise in the longing pleasure. For there is a communication of His love to us in our gazing on His divine love.

Grace is living in the eternal love of God so that we feel His acceptance as if He were showering on us His divine pleasure. We know His eternal love because we know that He causes us to look unto Him as a slave looks to his master. Grace causes us to be enabled to live in that pleasure. He shines in the face of Jesus Christ the glory of God. We seek His face because we find in our longing for that glory that the Father draws near to us in His eternal love. We experience a love that cannot be defined by any thing that we are confronted with in this world. So that we have a pleasure in this fellowship of grace knowing that we can find Him when we seek Him. We have a confidence that He will speak to us in such a way that we will know the power from on High. The gospel of our eternal Father is the power of God for  the salvation to every one who believes.
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5732  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Is the believer's heart still "desperately wicked?" on: January 01, 2009, 03:38:20 PM
Hey gang,

Great thoughts from all, here.   Just a couple questions I'm sorting through:  Knowing that there's a certain degree of mystery concerning the various parts of human personality and the interactions between heart (spirit/will), mind, body and soul. . . .

1.   If, as is sometimes suggested, that the old heart (spirit/will) is indeed thoroughly gone and not simply sidelined, radically diminished and decentralized (as I suggest) by our restoration in Christ, what is the source of sin for the believer now?  If we say it is "indwelling sin,"  meaning that it comes strictly from the outside of us, then does the devil now cause every sin in the believer because there's nothing inside the believer that would lead him into sin? Or, is it the corruption of our minds that causes sin?  And. . .

2.   Do we place too much emphasis on the corruption of the mind -especially in the believer?  (How do we understand "For you have been given the mind of Christ. "?)  Have our minds already been redeemed to some degree?  What does that mean, then?

3.   What kind of effect has the Cross and Resurrection had on the body, as well as the heart and mind?  Have we tended towards a Greek (Gnostic) model that suggests matter (body) is evil and only spirit is good?  Or,  is our current redemption to include the restoration of our bodies to some degree -- even in this life?

4.   What, then, do we mean by "the flesh?"  Is it strictly the physical body?  Or is it our old nature?  Has our view of the physical body been corrupted by Greek thought? 

To me, the answers to the above are interrelated as they refer to God's redemption of the whole of human personality.  Exactly how each is interrelated, I'm still working on.

Oh, and last question:  Will you be celebrating Saturnalia or the Birth of Jesus on Christmas?  P.S.  It's a trick question.  Wink

 Oh my thank you Jimbo. Hope you stick around. I will answer these very provoking questions...... Wow, i can tell this is going to be a very interesting thread. But i have been busy and feel very tired. Ill be boack.
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5733  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: December 31, 2008, 01:42:37 PM
Been thinking about this for awhile , about these tendencies as to how we understand the nature of a desire that is spiritual and having these different powers that influence the carnal nature of a desire. The understanding is what we know about being drawn out of ourselves into an elevated experience of pleasure and power. On the one hand we have a tendency to be under the illusion of a carnal power that makes us sink under the philosophy of wanting something for ourselves that holds us down under the weight of grief.On the other hand we  have a tendency to think that our understanding of a desire is out of a spiritual longing but yet it is fueled by a grandiose scheme of pride in the spiritual effect rather than a love for the object. But a pure desire or a desire that is experienced as having a spiritual effect is one in which we experience this paradigm of being drawn our of ourselves.

 Our normal tension is to be at war between these two extremes. There is a reason that these gifts and fruit of the Spirit have an imprint effect that brings out these different longings that are not under the sense perception in our receiving these spiritual paradigms through our physical senses. I think this is why there is so much deception to either be tempted to depravity or self righteousness. Maybe there is a time frame here so that there is this fading effect of being under the influence of a more direct communication of the Spirit and then the withdrawal over time causes us to be going into turmoil over this tension of anxiety. 

 Supernatural ism is an experience of a desire that has a power to influence our desires in a communicative sense. The parallel is having a new conversion experience, and that being some general personal movement of the Spirit upon us , or within us , or maybe the nature of the power is drawn nearer to us as an influence. Being drawn out of ourselves is a paradigm in which we do not understand this unseen experience as it has over our experiencing a new conversion. New life is vibrant and informative to our understanding of what the Spirit has in teaching us about powers that we have but we are insufficient to produce these paradigms or to dwell in them by our own understanding. Being drawn to love an object has the supreme effect in our inward experience to visit this convergence of supreme power in converting our longings to draw us from our wanting as a source of painful longings that hold us down in our carnality, hold some king of spiritual longings as having an odd effect in our having a fulfillment so that we have a grief as a way to bring us into deception and a lethargic effect  that keeps us from the new conversion experience.   
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5734  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Is the believer's heart still "desperately wicked?" on: December 31, 2008, 12:55:26 PM
The central idea that is drawn out of these three very important doctrines, ie justification, sanctification, and glorification can be narrowed down to one spiritual focus as it relates to saving faith. God has decreed whatsoever comes to pass. Faith has the idea of a trust or reliance on something. This trust involves a choosing of the object of our faith. If we have faith in something then we are choosing to place our trust in that object. But we do not choose based upon a willingness to trust in something. We choose because we know that the object is worthy of our trust. If we were to choose based upon our self determination, then our will would cause our will to choose. So that if we made a history of all of the choices we made, then if we believed that our choosing was based upon our trusting, then the will would be the supreme cause of our believing. So we see that in self determine choices the prior act of the will would be the cause of the next act of the will. In other words even if we believed that faith was the cause of regeneration there would still be a choice by necessity and not contingent.

But we are always under necessity to choose one thing over another. Because we have other faculties of the soul other than the will that have a personal design in the process of choosing. If we bypass these other faculties and say the will was the cause of the choice then we are redefining freedom of choice by saying that the will is not under necessity to choose one way or the other. In other words we are saying that there is no power prior to choosing that determines what we are going to choose. That is the will then is not an exercise of power, it is in an equilibrium state as two equal weights balancing out the other. But then we can argue that the scale is under pressure as a cause so that the necessary powers to hold the weight are impossibility and on the other side necessity.

 But in order for there to be a will then there must be a movement of a force or there is no will at all.So we say that the will in an equilibrium state is no will at all. So that in this paradigm of belief the power is exercised on the will. The object becomes the necessary power to influence the will. So that in order for us to say we are fully responsible we must believe that freedom involves no exercise of the will. Or its the same thing as saying that the object ie, that is the attraction of the object caused the choice. Which is pragmatism.

If i back up here and talk about language this argument i am making has everything to do with freedom , the exercise of the will, the ends for which the world was created, and the causal nature that we understand things to be as they exist. In this sense we need to keep faith in its proper linguistic usage.

 But the faculties of the soul prior to the choice make it impossible for the will to be an active member of choice unless we have a knowledge of the object , or an understanding of the nature and power of the object that makes it necessary for us to choose that object over the other one. We know the value of the object before we trust in that object. So we say that spiritual desire represents the nature of the object that we are going to love the most. Thats why regeneration comes before faith.

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5735  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Is the believer's heart still "desperately wicked?" on: December 30, 2008, 05:05:12 PM

That was beautiful and well put. Though we might disagree over some of the fine points of God's work of salvation, your appreciation of God's marvelous grace is breathtaking at times.

On my desk at work is a scripture calender, and yesterday's verse was the following:

Proverbs 27:17 [As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.]

Your sharing of scripture and the writings of the saints gone before have done that for me, making me think and rethink my beliefs.

Thanks, and have a great New Year.


 Thank you Bill, you have also given me some things to think about. I really do believe that its His and ours. I think that its maybe semantics. I believe it is all of Him and all of us. I really dont describe it as His side our side. I dont want to redefine your position tho.

Thanks for your encouragement and i look forward to reading you in this yr. I hope Pete is doing ok, he keeps me going. I know we need to pray for him, its so difficult. Its difficult for me to hear and think about what he is going through. Oh man pete just hold on like Bill said a few weeks back. It was something i myself have been thinking about.

 I promise you Bill that these concepts are biblical. These meditations are in my mind from these times in the Psalms. I think its mostly passing on different areas of these Psalms. They parallel biblical concepts with human wants and desires. These really are not my thoughts. Have a great new Yr

 Tom , man we need to pray for Pete
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5736  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Is the believer's heart still "desperately wicked?" on: December 30, 2008, 04:42:12 PM
In regeneration we are made new by being made alive in our mind and being given a new will. Regeneration in this sense is that we were dead in our sins and trespasses but before the foundation of the world God determined to make us alive by taking the blinders that we had toward spiritual things, and giving us a new knowledge so that we may know Christ. We are no longer under the obligation to be transformed by a new satisfaction for our sin. When we were regenerated our sins that were past present and future were imputed to Christ account...He became sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. The sin was not His personal corruption, but He came as close as He could to being a sinner without sinning. So now we stand in a justified state before God, so that every time we sin, He sees us as completely righteous and acceptable because the righteousness of Christ that was imputed to our account is not an ongoing transaction of ability to be righteous, or granting us a personal stake in that righteousness. But it is always unto eternity the righteousness of Christ alone so that it is a declaration in the court of heaven that we are acceptable by a foreign righteousness.We have no plea in our own ability. We stand in grace, sovereign grace.

 By this God is not speaking condemnation or judgment to us, to those around us, or as a national principle of rite and wrong. We have open access to the throne of grace as sinners. Every time we come to the throne of grace we come just as we are, just as we came as a child in the faith. We come with open hands that He alone can fill. We come as sinners that He alone can console, protect and grace us with the keeping grace of perseverance. We give Him our sin, our problems and our concerns for protection, and He gives us joy, peace , patience , kindness and self control. He gives us Himself.

We learn that we are loved by a Shepherd who does not require us to understand everything that is transpiring in our lives as if we could control the outcome. But we come to a Shepherd who has already spoken everything that we need in order for us to understand what He has for us. He has done all of the work on our behalf. There is no more atoning to do in our wanting to be told that we are loved. He comes speaking gracious words of power so that we become acquainted with a friend who we hear and talk to but yet this friend owns everything that exist. is presently displaying His power in the sustaining of His creation, and has designed the smallest details in our lives even to the different kinds of molecules that go into our individual experience so that no person experiences the same things. Every experience has a different color to it. But yet He is always the same.
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5737  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: December 29, 2008, 09:34:51 AM
We are having a discussion here i would think whether it is ok to be renewed in the spirit of our minds without giving our whole lives to the means by which we accomplish this" being transformed." Your saying that if i have a new identity that my spirit is perfected so i no longer am required to wrestle at all. If i wrestle with myself then you are saying that i lack faith in His work. Correct me if i have misjudged your position. But i am distinguishing between the idea of letting go and letting God and the proper understanding of having a soul resting in an understanding of who He is .along with experiencing the power in order to not experience the effects of some of these negative things that we experience as a result of sin. Maybe as we encourage each other we will be able to define our position better so that we know where we differ. I do not think it is wise or healthy to trust in a purely mystical rest. That is a rest in the facts of our identity in Him. As TB has said, he struggles with these effects of sin with tremendous courage. Its one thing to take these things for granted or place our trust in what we did yrs ago, and on the other side to be always buffeted as if we were not able to come to a rest in His present power. Our understanding is changing from one day to another, and we have the obligation in resting from our own works to know we are growing in the power to overcome temptation, fear, guilt and worry. I do not think that the level of resting from these three temptations is necessarily related to sin.

Letting go and letting God is very dangerous. Its just as dangerous as being overly introspective. Introspective in the since that we cannot gain enough peace of mind from a growing understanding of His grace that our sin drives us away from experiencing His love for us, a love that leads us on a path of protection both physical and spiritual. The means by which we increase our understanding of who Christ is, and we understand HIm not only as a historical figure, but we know Him by His Spirit who first teaches our hearts by the word the increased understanding of just how wide and deep and high is His care for us over our worries about what could happen to us in this most sever trials. These communications to us are His way of using these means to illuminate our steps so that we are confident that He is saving us and will keep us to the end. Now the reason that taking these things for granted are so dangerous is because we may think we have rest when we are just dwelling in presumption.

We are not computers or bots that get the program and then we just perform based upon the information that we have. But we are free moral agents of whom we could never find the depths of our desires and experience .....a satisfaction in understanding ourselves by that perfect understanding. We develop patterns of thinking, and we are terribly blind and self deprecating in all of the wrong areas at the wrong times for the wrong reasons. We are pitiful in our present abilities based upon our understanding of the nature of the glory of God and the power we have available. We imagine that we know more than we really understand and we dwell in some of the dark providence's trying to convince ourselves that we must trust in Him based upon what He has said so that we are always infiltrated by a power that seems to gain our attention more than His present power to bring us to dwell above the troubles of this world. Its because we do not battle with the evil ,hatred and distress that we feel that we are always weak in our desires for Him and we are always prone to be led astray in our understanding , that understanding in which deception dwells, those things we are prone to be blinded by as a general philosophy of atheism.

This is why He has spoken life into existence. He has implanted the seed of His word into our hearts so that we might grow by it. We are constantly being told that there are answers in propositions, and in the methods of men. We are easily led to trust in paradigms and in other peoples realities of faith. Every person has a fall back position. Its not always evident as they face the general confusions and anxieties of life. But at some point it becomes clear as the pain levels begin to throw them into fits and discouragements. We may have a higher view of man that leads us into a trust that will not be sufficient when the day of evil comes. So we are looking at these origins of personal applications to our hearts through the lens of what we are not naturally made to find our rest. We are not seeking health, or frames, or a means to find some temporary relief. But by the Holy Spirit we are beginning to know Christ in a personal way. When ever we search then our only object is Christ. When ever we are taught the origin of our illumination is Christ. He has reveal the living word to us not just as a proposition but as a divine light to our understanding so that our minds might be formed with Christ. If we are to struggle in our thoughts and those tendencies to be tossed about by our present desires, these inward paradigms of finding our confidence and instant relief from our wanting something that has not the value of its existence, we are only made to dwell in this rest as Christ has reveal Himself to us not only as if He were cause the means and the ends for our desiring in the present but that He has taught us by these illuminations of Himself what the method of finding the rest from the powers that cause us to dwell in these atheistic philosophies. Christ comes to dig deep so that we might be free of the power of these controlling desires.
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5738  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: December 28, 2008, 01:06:31 PM
 For yrs now i have had this burning in my gut. And when i lay down for a rest this burden is like there is a longing for His glory that presses me in my rest. So that i am so charged with eternity that i could care less about what is going on around me. And then i have this pull when ever things get rough that draws me into meditation and prayer. Its just an ongoing undercurrent where ever i go. Even if i have not longed like i am used to, the pull just drags me to want to get a short prayer and a feeling of connection, that if i do not fulfill that i will become powerless to go on. I could get taken by the genuineness of life because there is such a reality that is meta physical , its as if the connection to other people draws me into this touch of human experience that is part of this whole spiritual experience. So that my motives for social connection are not just to find happiness in other people. I have this other world that intermixes with these emotional ties and there is a greater control to find comfort in this indirect attachment to find all of my comfort in Him through other people.

Then there are times when meditation is for hours, but a longing is not fulfilled. Then all of a sudden within the same day there are these strong connections to a confidence that comes from the cries and i am drawn out into a confidence that i cannot describe. This will last for two days and then begin to fade. I mean how can it be so automatic. I meditate for hours then the overflow comes down on me and i am left to experience this eternal paradigm? I cant explain but to say that after 30 plus yrs of meditation i have these present connections to the eternal realities, that is being over come with desires that are sweet, pleasurable and not of this world. These strong feelings are mixed with longings for more. But then the connection is timeless even tho it happened 20 yrs ago. I cant describe the connection to memories of longings enhanced, moved, motivated, and then to have this fulfillment in having a fellowship in the Spirit that is so filled with sweetness that one word, a meeting of a person, or a sweet conversation and prayer , then i am drawn to find there is such a sweet experience that i cannot go on. The frame overwhelms me.
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5739  Forums / Main Forum / Re: My marriage is a mess on: December 28, 2008, 09:41:16 AM
Covenant faithfulness is through the covenant of grace and not the covenant of works. The covenant of works is a covenant that has been accomplished in Christ. The nature of our relationship to the covenant of works is very different than the way of the world. First of all, the kind of thinking in the way of the world is from an impersonal experience as it relates to law keeping. We may preach that God is totally other, but we do not find our hope in that kind of false determinism. It really is part of what we have as our convictions that determines how we view covenants and keeping vows. It really is about us since we have understood the nature of grace as it relates to convictions about covenants. God as other only makes Him more personal since our view of His covenant faithfulness transforms our understanding of the nature of covenants. There is a wide road of believing in things that do not exist, that is the nature of things that can be seen felt and touched have a direct effect on our experiencing the personal nature of covenant faithfulness as it relates to the unseen powers, those things that we live in as we understand the nature of Gods power in the existence of reality. 
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5740  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Is the believer's heart still "desperately wicked?" on: December 28, 2008, 08:41:30 AM
Acts 10:15
15   The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." (NIV)

Acts 10:28
28   He said to them: "You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or visit him. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean. (NIV)

As for the status and condition of the children of God, the New Covenant of Grace (with no written laws to condemn them), guarantees that God will not charge any unprofitable actions (sins) against them.  Therefore, God will not label His children as sinners. And not only that, because of Christ's sacrifice, God will not call nonbelievers sinners (as long as it is called Today).  Acts 10:15

First of all the context in the first verse is about food that was forbidden to eat under the old covenant being made acceptable under the new covenant.
The second verse had to do with the gospel spreading to the gentile nations, the gentiles being grafted into the tree.  Now there is not that  distinct position that Israel enjoyed under the old covenant.  There is neither jew or gentile slave or free.

 This we agree on MBG: 

Yes, under the New Cov there is neither Jew nor Gentile, etc.
And Yes, Saints still struggle with (unprofitable actions) sin in this world.  I didn‘t say otherwise.  What I did say is that God cannot lawfully label His saints (or even nonbelievers-- as long as it is called Today) as sinners because He has judged all sin “once for all” and the penalty for ALL sin has been paid by Christ once for all. 

Furthermore, now under the New Cov of Grace,  God has not given us  written laws that would  condemn us.  Under the New Cov, unbelief is the only sin that will condemn men.  God cannot go against His own decrees.  And the Scriptures are clear that “where there is no law, there is no transgression.”

The vision God showed Peter had nothing to do with food and everything to do with the cleansing of all men done by Christ  on the Cross.  Peter who was still struggling to understand the vision in (Acts 17-19), finally understood its meaning when Cornelius’ men showed up at his doorstep.  He gives a full explanation of this in Acts Chap 11,  when the other apostles and men in Judea criticized him for going to a gentile home.  This is the scriptural context of Acts 10:28.

 My bible says that There is no one good, no not one. There is no one who seeks God. All have turned aside. The only difference between those who are regenerated and those who are not is we are the ones who call on God. We have a saving trust in Christ. The unsaved have no fear of God in their hearts. They do not think that God exist to rite the scales. But we only have one hope in all of life.

 I am sorry that you have such a weak view of God. I guess since God has taken the away the sin of the world, then its left up to us whether we are forgiven. Then God cannot save since He only made salvation available. We actually save ourselves by our own trust. Since God has died on the cross for all sin i guess one of the biggest and most damning sins does not get on the list of all the sins. The sin of unbelief. If this is true then we turn the whole moral universe upside down, because unbelief is the fountain head of all of those other sins that God has taken care of in the cross. Every sin that we do is an act out of atheism. But since God died for all men and He has forgiven all men as long as they act on it, then those who do the most heinous sins in treachery do not face the wrath of God. After all why would the Father punish the Son with such sever consequences and then give His love to the world only to have the world trample on His Son with their unbelief and hatred , then treat the most beautiful act of love ever brought before men with malice. If God does not hate evil then He could not have poured His wrath on His Son. And if God did not hate evil then He died for nothing. If God only hated evil acts then there would be no personal cause of how the universe came into existence, there would be no reason for these things to be praise worthy, there would be no reason for the acts of death and destruction, and there would be no personal experience in how we choose. The universal God then is just a force and moral arbitrator who is as impersonal as a rock.

 I am sorry that you leave so much room in your thinking for the philosophies of men. After all a pragmatic God should be kept under the power of man to be able to live with a certain amount of rebellion in his heart without having a personal knowledge of the causes and ends for which mans actions are done in relation to Gods will. If God has a sovereign rite to do as He pleases then He has a rite to choose those men as His own, according to His pleasure or He is not God.   
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5741  Forums / Main Forum / Re: My marriage is a mess on: December 27, 2008, 07:47:50 PM
 I agree Willis, and there really is no marriage without a normal sexual relationship. Even tho you do not define the marriage by the sex, yet the marriage begins to unravel as a result of the lack of sex. Its the same thing as being-physically separated. Its abandoning the marriage. Most people have abandoned the marriage long before there is adultery. The women wants communication, the man wants sex. Each person cant expect this to be fulfilled in a reward system. In that case the covenant would be according to works. 
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5742  Forums / Main Forum / Re: My marriage is a mess on: December 27, 2008, 07:55:13 AM
I do not think being different is a bad thing. I dont think that trying to understand what motivates these positive attitudes are going to be fulfilled by changing your understanding. Most people love each other because they are not the same, not because they dont understand why the other person does the things they do. Its really a matter of perspective.
If she is emotionally attached to another man then that obviously has got to be cut off. Otherwise there will be no trust. That would be the problem not the differences. The trouble comes when we try to make the other person do something that they are not willing to do. We can not change the bad things other people have in their lives that they have chosen to continue to do. All we can do is support them and encourage them, and mutually meeting each others needs with the purpose of living to not try to force them to change. Change only comes when we are loved.
I do not think the grass is greener on the other side. There  are things  that drew you together at the beginning. Those things are only appreciated when you have a philosophy of life that you cant change the other person. As long as you sit around and try to force the change then your just going to cause more distance. But theres got to be a mutual agreement.  Any way she will just find herself in the same situation cause its a matter of perspective not some kind of chemistry. Theres so much stuff out there its a wonder any of us stay together because there are bad friends and false teachings that gets in between married couples that makes things more difficult..... its a wonder anyone in this day and age can stay married. Its coming from someone who struggles as well .
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5743  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: December 26, 2008, 11:26:19 AM
i totally agree that this kind of dreamy love is where we should end up in our pleasure of Him. But there are other angles to this since our understanding of reality is never an absolute equal existence in dwelling in His love at any time. We will only experience that on the other side, when we will not experience the loss and degeneration due to sin. So the reality does not always match the position we have in Christ. I know its easy as writers to present something that is not exactly real in our own experience. Thats why when we write the only image that is complete is what He says in His revelation. And then we are never without a false view of what the image of God is in complete in our understanding. We struggle with physical pain, with loss, with emotional distress, with uncertainty. These things are a reality in our understanding of our personal experience in our own minds. Sometimes they are part of our physical experience. That is they are very real, but there is not one time where we understand the complete nature of these real experiences. First because we are subject to ideas that come and go in the moving of the clock. Our memories at best lie to us and our understanding of the potential of what will come is never within the reality that God has when it comes to all the powers that have a necessary influence on these ideas. So we can only understand in a glass dimly. We only understand by faith when we have the light of the knowledge of God reveal to us, that is enough to understand that He is able to save us. So there is never a time that we do not distinguish between our own understanding and the revealed understanding that we must live in.
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5744  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Is the believer's heart still "desperately wicked?" on: December 25, 2008, 01:39:42 PM
Acts 10:15
15   The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." (NIV)

Acts 10:28
28   He said to them: "You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or visit him. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean. (NIV)

As for the status and condition of the children of God, the New Covenant of Grace (with no written laws to condemn them), guarantees that God will not charge any unprofitable actions (sins) against them.  Therefore, God will not label His children as sinners. And not only that, because of Christ's sacrifice, God will not call nonbelievers sinners (as long as it is called Today).  Acts 10:15

First of all the context in the first verse is about food that was forbidden to eat under the old covenant being made acceptable under the new covenant.
The second verse had to do with the gospel spreading to the gentile nations, the gentiles being grafted into the tree.  Now there is not that  distinct position that Israel enjoyed under the old covenant.  There is neither jew or gentile slave or free.

 I believe that we are Saints. But we still struggle with sin, for what i want to do i do not do, what a do not want to do that i do. The difference being that i hate being corrupted in every part. Before conversion i loved myself too much to hate evil. But after conversion,  i still want to do evil , then good, but never being able to measure up to the standard of meeting the requirements of the law in myself. I am corrupted in every part. Only Christ has met that standard perfectly.

 The scripture is the means by which all truth is measured. I do not get to make my own description of what is a saint. The scripture is not to be chained. We do not add to it nor do we take away from it. This is in the context of talking about the things that are obvious and simple and easily understood.

1 Cor 6:12
12   "Everything is permissible for me"-- but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"-- but I will not be mastered by anything.   (NIV)

Sir if you can honestly look into my eyes as a figure of speech and tell me that you are not mastered by anything, then i will tell you that you are mastered by deception. I do not think the context has to do with purity but cleansing.
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5745  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Sad and lonely Christmas :( on: December 25, 2008, 07:51:16 AM
"It is necessary, then, that each man should first of all find in the Scriptures that he, through being entangled in the love of this world—i.e., of temporal things—has been drawn far away from such a love for God and such a love for his neighbour as Scripture enjoins. Then that fear which leads him to think of the judgment of God, and that piety which gives him no option but to believe in and submit to the authority of Scripture, compel him to bewail his condition. For the knowledge of a good hope makes a man not boastful, but sorrowful. And in this frame of mind he implores with unremitting prayers the comfort of the Divine help that he may not be overwhelmed in despair, and so he gradually comes to the fourth step,—that is, strength and resolution,—in which he hungers and thirsts after righteousness. For in this frame of mind he extricates himself from every form of fatal joy in transitory things, and turning away from these, fixes his affection on things eternal, to wit, the unchangeable Trinity in unity. "Augustine
5750  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Romans and the Flesh Monster. on: December 24, 2008, 11:22:47 PM
Ive come to realize this is not necessarily a fellowship in His righteousness. But i come with my baggage of filth and anger so that He can take that as already imputed on Christ, and He reminds me that He loves me based upon Christ work on my behalf. I have applied the concept as He is speaking to me of that assurance that I cannot define by any goodness in my part of believing. There is a temptation to think that our relationship to Him is based upon how we communicate to one another , that is the horizontal communication. But God changes the whole entire way of speaking to us because we come as unworthy discerning of the thoughts and the intents of our hearts. I really believe that we are blind beggars in His presence. In a sense we come just like the beggar who wants some change for doing nothing, and yet we are offended to give it because of the beggars brashness. I think that is what it is like for the Eternal Holy God to listen to our asking.  This picture has been so ingrained from the scriptures that the simplicity of presenting how we are before Him in such a lowly state does not give us an identity that is debased in the wrong way, or like being embarrassed before Him in our evil. We can dare to be more honest about ourselves in His presence than we could even dare to with one another. First because we cannot read and reveal each others hearts. But He knows every evil thing that lurks in the darkness, He reveals these things to us, but its because we grow to understand that we can bare our sores and our deepest angry response to the troubles of our lives more and more as we grow to understand that He exposes these things in us in order to heal us and not to bring us under the law as if it was a way He would use to get us to fall in line with His program.

 God is able to listen to our temper tantrums, our complaining about the pain, and our problems with other people without batting an eye. We can come before Him with everything, lay it before Him and receive healing and wisdom. Its as if He were pleased with us for commanding Him. If we thought that when we come before Him it is all about His glory and not about us, then we have not been open before Him. He not only cares about our pain but He wants to listen to our reasoning it out before Him. We come as people who plead our case before this Holy God, and yet with so much sin, with so much He could condemn us for just by the hypocrisy of our personal stake in the pleading, yet He listens to us as if we had a rite to come before Him as lawyers. Its unbelievable that He would encourage us to plead these promises and answer us according to our personal stake in the promises. I just think about that and it just blows my mind. Any other judge would tell me to go sit in the corner because there was no value in my pleading for His Son to speak on my behalf.  But He not only listens, but He encourages us to plead to Him what we could not obtain in our working it out on our own. Ok , as we grow , then we become more savvy and enabled to be as bold as a king. This is what we have as a personal rite in appearing before the Judge of the universe.
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5751  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Sad and lonely Christmas :( on: December 24, 2008, 10:22:02 AM
Theres no simple answers. We could find our hope in being in community, making some steps in volunteerism as a way of relieving the anxiety of being under some kind of power of desire to find our happiness in the short lived moment, or we can find all of our happiness in Him. Then we can live in the reality that there is a refuge , a place where we can go that is like a transfixed place of experiencing a peace that passes all understanding. Because if we try to reason these things about our pain with just getting out of our states and frames of having our hopes dash ed by a longing that will only be fulfilled by some other person, then we will find ourselves back to finding our hope in meeting some short term need in the moment.

 The world is a very secularized dungeon. But still eternity can break through our present learned frame, and we can still acknowledge that God is absolute sovereign over all the physical and spiritual forces in the universe. For there is no force that does not come from will of prior existence. And if the will of God be the cause then we can be sure that the end for which we find ourselves at this present time is according to His purposes. For we will never find our reason for existence in self determination. Because we cannot acknowledge that God is all in all, then we will fill ourselves with the delusion that God has left us to our own power to work in this time frame. For every moral desire there is a desire to please our own frames and ends in our own goodness. There is always a way of man to create more laws that God has designed. As well as being a law breaker man is also a very bad judge of God doing His purpose in His time and accepting the will of God as what is reality. So man on that purpose devises his own laws to cover himself for being accepted before God. Just look at the history of religion, nations, and you will find that man always tries to redefine the personal cause of all things existing, by creating a system of rules for his own purposes of acceptance.

 So that we need to find all of our hope in God at this time of yr. For if we have not found God then we are restless.
5753  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Christless Church on: December 24, 2008, 03:26:32 AM
Excellent post, Willis.

Christ's claim on our lives do indeed preclude everything else we have an attachment to including friends, family and country. My objection to Jawood's comments lay soley on the basis in that the way he has them phrased, makes them into a false dichotomy. (Whether he intended that way or not). I am quite capable of having a healthy form of patriotism and appreciation for the freedoms I enjoy (and for which much blood had to be spilled) without turning them into an "idol" thank you very much. I do not put ultimate faith in this (or any) political system to acheive "heaven on earth" nor have I ever stated anything to that effect in any of my posts.

All of that being said, it has always seemed to me that a situation like Solzhenitsyn's is something that is usually arrived at, and not something that someone, after they have become a Christian, just decides that he or she is going to do one bright day. The "dying to self" is a process that comes to one either by a turn of events leading one to futility or else by way of the Lord's gentle promptings (and these two can be inextricably interwoven). Being "on the lookout" for "idols" in my life which will hinder the process usually just gets me building anxiety upon anxiety and ends with me chasing my tail. If the Lord really wants me to experience the futility of an "idol" in my life, He usually allows me to drink (to employ another metaphor) heavily from that cup so that I may see for myself the bitterness and futility of it. (Whatever "it" is).

Very good posting TB , Willis is very good as well. The point is that there are things that we cannot give up on our own. There are things that must be done in His time. If we were to say that we had to give up everything at one time ,then we wouldnt be in the position to be able to give them up. It would be too much of a burden. So we are in a new position in Christ. If we are made to hate the world and everything in it, then it would be from our hearts desires. It would be foolish to think that if we were not changed by having our desires enlightened, influenced, transformed and renewed , that we would not go back to he old loves, the old ways of security. God is doing those things in us that need to be changed so that it will be genuine.  This is why we are just a guilty of trying to force this christian life into a mold and a time table that is not rational. He is molding us not in relation to our being chosen or being a new vessel, but He is working in us to will and do. That is we are being changed to leave an old address and live at a new one. But our struggles about how we give into temptation, how we face trials, how we view the objects of this world, and then the different levels we think on according to the knowledge we have of God and ourselves will determine the growth we experience in this life. Some of us are very slow as compared to others. All of us are bull headed when compared to Christ.

 There is also a community of the regenerated. There should be a unity based on those things that are not seen in relation to the physical that are becoming deeper in the general understanding of that body. This is that which we view in spiritual understanding as opposed to believing things that would encourage others to set up idols, i e liberal theology and other epistemological concerns.The kinds of corporate prayers, the level of good preaching, the kind of fellowship of the saints. All of these things have a direct effect on the amount of growth we will experience in this life.     
5756  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Is the believer's heart still "desperately wicked?" on: December 21, 2008, 01:50:12 PM
Let me say that i dont want to accuse someone who doesnt understand saving grace as a means of longing to obtain what we cannot obtain in our own strength and having our longing fulfilled apart from our corrupted part in the longing. It is possible for us to have such a weak faith that all we see is our sin. It is going to be in the normal growth process to see Christ more than our sin. We can only grow by having the word speak to us in this illumination of peace and forgiveness. I do think that the teaching can come from understanding  of the mystical paradigm. We are taught by the disposition. Knowledge that is not experiential is not saving knowledge. I mean , How big is God? Is He so big that He is understood as a Father? Over all human causes of father hood? I mean is the initial understanding of all acceptance from our understanding of the nature of acceptance as we are taught by the His revealing these things to us? Or are we still caught on all the imperfect fathers we have had in our lives? At some point we must seek these unseen things. And we must have an understanding of Christ who is the image of God , He is God revealed. So that when we understand who Christ is then we will understand the Fathers love. And then we will understand who we are by that image.  This is looking in the mirror of His whole nature revealed to us in the whole counsel.
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5757  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Is the believer's heart still "desperately wicked?" on: December 21, 2008, 12:32:30 PM
The relationship we have to the law after we are regenerated is that it mainly shows us how valuable is grace. Now we are not under the law as a school master. Because our new relationship to Christ does not give the law that kind of condemning authority. But the law still has a function to show us that we could never obtain acceptance in obeying it. This is where we get confused. If we could obey the law completely then we would no longer need grace. But if we just said that the law was dead, that is there was no spiritual value in the law then we  would not have grace available as a gift before each act of obedience to the law.Just like being tempted to fall back into the old patterns of trying to obey the law and thinking that we have obtained that obedience on our own. If we said that we did not have a relationship to the law in any way as a legal instrument of conviction, then Christ obedience to the law would have no value in our lives. I think we would loose some respect for Christ living it out for us. In this way since there would be no way for us to measure our lives to His life then that would be treating grace as of no value as well.

I do not think tho that the law is an instrument of bringing more conviction that we can resist to turn to Christ. Its not that we have an equal choice between good and evil. Then  the law would work in the same way as it did in the unregenerate state. There would be no hope in this relationship to the law. But the law is only good at the negative aspects of the process. And at the same time grace is under girding the  process of being confronted with the law so that the fundamental salvation experience has grace as the initial power leading us to Christ in the mirror of ourselves by the law. 

 I have meditated for yrs in these penitent psalms. Now, if we apply the above teaching then its kind of like the difference between trusting weight paradigms or in nature paradigms. So that its really not about the level of confidence as to off set the genuineness of the conviction. This is like the cop that is so close to being the criminal cause the cop is always around the criminal and handles the items the criminal handles. Now this is terribly important cause we could be more confident after sinning than we could as a self righteous person. Uh, what is the difference between a pharisee and a sinner? Its not the level of repentance. I mean repentance is not believing. Repentance is not a positive step toward changing. Again, this whole mind set is part of the old forms and shadows. We only know confidence when we understand grace cause if we were always focusing on the act of repentance as it is in our normal bent toward the level of conviction then we would never be confident. And if we thought that confidence was bad for a sinner, then we would not be distinguishing between a good confidence or that confidence taught by grace , and self confidence , or trusting in ones own righteousness. I do not think we can work our way into these different views of the difference between the fundamental understanding of saving grace . You are either a have or a have not.

 So that we can have more confidence after sinning than we do if we were not to understand how bad is our self sufficiency. Thats the fundamental cause of all forgiveness, that is we do not obtain grace by the amount of weight we bring in our sorrow, but we already have grace as a buttress for our sorrow and we are seeking more grace to have confidence that we are forgiven. This is why there is a fundamental difference in the application to understand that God is not waiting around for us to be taught a lesson. That is God is not waiting around to dole out a pound of punishment for a pound of disobedience. Rather God is going to bring us to the most gracious loving relationship when we are sinners , since He gave His most precious gift for our sin. Our confidence is in a person not a level of conviction. And we will never learn to over come sin if we do not learn that Gods love is greater than our sin, and that He covers over our sins by blessing us in spite of our sins. It really is only the Pharisee that has taught himself to be pleased with his performance in comparison to the law.       

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